Friday, February 23, 2007

Riding a horse today, instead of a Honda

Just sharing some pictures of my day.


  1. I love your ride pics.....if it's by horse or motorcycle. Glad Cliff fixed up his windshield. It'll make driving much nicer for him.

  2. Great pictures!  Looks like you had a great day!

  3. I enjoyed taking that ride along with you and Blue. That is great that Cliff got those scratches out of the windshield. That is good stuff. Thanks for sharing you pictures. Helen

  4. I just bet Blue was in heaven to get out and walk etc....and glad Cliff was able to save a mint with the scratch remover....I have used something like that on my glasses....trying to stretch the wear without buying new ones LOL...hope your weather doesn't get really bad again....hugs...Ora

  5. I love the pictures when you 'shadow ride'.

  6.  I Like the shadow picture. My granddaughter just got a new horse and I told her I like the spots on it. She said they are called dapples. You could put in a thimble what I know about horses. Paula

  7. I wonder if that would work on glass tables?

    Glad you got out to ride! I like the pics.


  8. You guys sure have been getting around while I've been sitting down.  LOL  May the power be with you both.
    Fernan And Frieda

  9. Qh, if the kids were smart they'd have a halter on that calf a couple times a-week. he's near broke already and friendlier than his kind of critter oaught to be. (smiles here).
    I can't take them Jerseys anymore. One of them named Martha got me into a lifetime of trouble. he he he
    I hates them eyes and the way they can bat those lashes. He he he. I'm sure full of the suffering blues. };?D

  10. Wow...that scratch remover is good.  It sure was good to get out on the bottoms again. Thanks

  11. I always love to see pictures of your rides with Blue.  I can't begin to imagine how relaxing it must be.  I do however now know the joy of a soft horse nose with a few bristly whiskers laying in your lap, it is a feeling of contentment. :)
