Sunday, January 7, 2007

Random stuff

OK, a few disconnected thoughts:

Poor Cliff has to sleep in a bed reeking of Vicks tonight.  Any time I have a cold, I rub that stuff all over myself.  Vicks was my mom's first weapon of defense against a cold, and somehow I feel protected if I'm slathered with the stuff.  I can still feel Mother's hands rubbing it liberally on my chest and back.

Pots and pans:  I've always been a big fan of stainless steel pans for cooking, and cast iron skillets for frying.  When I was growing up, my mom knew of some doctor who said aluminum leached out into the food and caused all sorts of problems; because that information was never far from my mind, I seldom used aluminum.

When I began limiting oils and fats on some "health kick" Cliff and I were on years ago, I needed something "nonstick", but I really didn't trust teflon.  It chipped off, and who knows where those missing chunks went?  Besides, underneath the Teflon coating was ALUMINUM!.

My then-daughter-in-law liked the T-Fal non-stick cookware, and since it seemed to be one of the cheaper brands, I bought myself a set... even though it was Teflon.  The non-stick part was great, but because of my stacking pans inside one another in the dish drainer and cabinets, it chipped off pretty badly.  When it got really badly chipped and scratched, I tossed it.

Lately I've had a pan shortage, especially if we have company for dinner.  I could spend over $200 for some costlier non-stick pans, or I could spend $99 for a set of T-Fal consisting of four pans and two skillets.  I chose the latter, and cleared off a whole shelf for them so I wouldn't be stacking them.

It's been my experiencethat the T-Fal lasts long enough to be worth the investment.

Oh, I still use my stainless steel pans and cast-iron skillet.  But when I'm making something that tends to stick, the T-Fal is great.

I was going to go to Church this morning until Cliff asked me if I thought people would appreciate me being there blowing my nose, coughing, and sneezing.  I guess he had a point.  I do hate Sundays without Church, though.


  1. Hope that Vicks does it's stuff and you are feeling well soon!  Those colds seem to be making the rounds since Christmas here, lot of my family has had them, so far I'm ok. I love the Vicks too!  One of my son's got me a new set of pans (Cuisinart) for old ones were wearing out . They are non stick and I stacked them, maybe I should rearrange so I don't have that problem too. Thanks for the tip.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. I too use vicks salve Mosie! lol Mama BELIEVED in VICKS!! lol She rubbed it on us, put it in my vaporizor( I had bad asthma) and if we had a sore throat she made us swallow a tad...yuck! lol Wonder if we made it past childhood! I hope you feel better soon!
    love ya,

  3. I vote for Vicks. Feel better soon. Paula

  4. I need new pots and pans and another friend recommended the T-Fal.  I just might get some.
    Hope you feel better soon. There is something comforting about Vicks scent when you're sick, isn't there?

  5. Hope Cliff feels better soon.....And YOU TOO!
    I have Vicks by my bedside.  Even when barely stuffy, I put just a little bit under each nostril (LOL) and then off to la la land I go.  I'm probably addicted...this has been going on about every other night since before Christmas.  I think I am almost thru draining, but today was kinda bad.  Voice is a bit raspy.

  6. We have our cast iron skillets, yes, but just as cherished is our T-Fal non-stick cookware.  We came to the same conclusions as you did about their usefulness and worth.  We have learned how to treat them so that the teflon stays on much longer, too.  I am so sorry you did not get to go to church today and are suffering.  I hope your symptoms go away quickly.  My mother and both of my grandmothers believed in the Vicks Vapo Rub treatment.  That brings back many childhood memories.

  7. Vicks has always been my defense against bronchitis (in a vaporizer), and I actually like the smell of it. Only problem is they don't make it nearly as potent as it used to be. I guess they don't want to risk lawsuits from hardcore Vick addicts like me......(lol)....     Jon

  8. My mother always did the same thing when we had a cold.  Rub the Vicks all over our chest and back, and a little under the nose, just to be sure.  Man that stuff used to burn, sorta! lol  Worked though.

    I use teflon pans too.  Don't worry much about it, because everything you eat, or come into contact with, the board of health will eventually find something about it that will kill you.  So, I'm just like.. "whatever.."  :)

    Hope you feel better, Donna..


  9. My mother used to rub the Vicks on my chest and back followed by a warm cloth. She washed it off early in the morning before I stirred around as she said it would let the cold air in and make me sicker. I followed through with that with my kids also. I have all the cookware you mentioned but very seldom cook anymore as standing on my feet doing it is so painful on my back. The only cast iron I use now is to bake a pan of cornbread. Helen

  10. What I hate about churchless Sundays is that it makes for a churchless week.  I feel so empty because I know it will be a whole week before I can go to Sunday Services again.

  11. Vicks was my Mother's standby also. ..........Since I'm not smart enough to be able to comment in your "Just Me" blog, I'll have to do it here.  We need to know when you are not feeling well.  It's our right! LOL  Seriously, we do want to know when we need to pray for you and offer help if we can.

  12. Just a little tip, my parents have the teflon pans.  They put dishtowels in between each other and are still able to stack them.  Sorry you are sick.  Seems like everyone has something right about now.  I have been sick for going on two weeks now.  I think I am finally nearing the end of it, thank goodness. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. My mom would actually dab a dob of vicks in the back of her throat for a cold!  I love club aluminum.  Things tend not to stick or scorch in it.  I have a stainless steel pot I adore to cook my rice in.  Love my cast iron skillets too!  The old origianl T-fal did not have teflon coating.  I have an old original small frying pan from a set of Mama's.  But in the last few years it has given in to sticking sometimes.  -  Barbara

  14. I do not use the non stick pans anymore because Teflon emits a toxic vapor when heated.
    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  15. I am with you....vicks does it all...and sorry you couldn't get to church...but the Lord knew where you were....take care now...kick that cold out the back door...God Bless....Hugs..Ora

  16. Vicks is the best, my Mom told us to put our pinkies in the jar and up the nose for relief of stuffy nose.  I hope you're feeling better.  Vicki

  17. vicks...a cure for the common cold...or at least a big help!

  18. I'm sure your congregation appreciated you staying home.  Just the smell of Vick's transports me to being a sick 4 year old in itchy pajamas and a heavy quilt on top of me.

  19. I havent been to church in years. I found one I love but its so mature that I actually feel a bit awkward...I am hoping I can get my behind in there soon..I need it..~Raven
