Thursday, January 4, 2007

My filly, Libby

I actually cinched up Libby's saddle yesterday and ponied her with it on.  When we were done with all that, I sat on her bare back, and she didn't protest at all.

I've always thought you could start riding a horse at the age of two, but after googling some information, I'm somewhat doubtful.  Read HERE to see what I mean.  And HERE.   These sites suggest that a  horse's bones don't set up until much later than two.

It's a good thing I already have Blue to ride; at my age, I'd hate to have to wait three more years for Libby to be old enough.  Who knows what sort of shape I'll be in by then?


  1. She looks good in her red saddle. I am glad you found those articles before attempting to ride her so as not to ruin or cause her an injury of some kind. Helen

  2. I liked the second article especially.  There is no rush to ride.  At the camp I worked at we had somewhere around 40 horses.  The majority of them were "of voting age" and older.  We had one lovely soul who worked until his death at 32.  He LOVED to be ridden.  We tried to retire him more often than I can remember.  He would get depressed and quit eating.  As long as they are taken care of well they can be ridden for a VERY long time.

  3. Libby is a beautiful horse, red is her color.  Vicki

  4. I think you'll be fine then, but we are a people of instant gratification.  I would find it very fretful to have to wait, but in the end I would also do what is best for Libby.  I'd be afraid not to.

  5. I have to say that your research into the matter is great.  It is just like you to "find out what you need to know" before making a decision.  Lucky Libby!

  6. What a great picture !  I know you were thrilled to have her adapt so easily to all that.  If you have to wait for a few more years to ride her she should be so well trained that you will have her doing tricks !  In the few short months you've had her she's already learned so much.  I think she must be a very smart horse . 'On Ya' - ma

  7. Libby is so pretty, and I am glad to hear she is being a good cooperative girl in her training.  You are definitely a good horse mom! :)

  8. I always heard age 3 for adults and heavier people. It all depends on what you are doing with them. Belle was 2 when Brook started riding and 3 when Pat started on her. She is 5 now and will be a mommy this year. I think she is 15 hands now. Much taller than her mama. She did not go on any long rides for more than 15 minutes until she was close to 4 then it was only 30 minutes. She has been on seversal longer rides now.

  9. Libby looks like "See my new dress.  But Mother!!!  Pink?"

    She sure is a beauty.  

  10. I love the way that you think about your Libby and her wellfair!!! She is so pretty and I believe she is smart too, seems like she is doing great with the training!!!
    love ya,

  11. Libby sure looks pretty in pink. Paula

  12. We always started the 'kids' at 2, but very, very lightly.... Short sessions, mostly getting used to wearing saddles/bridles/other tack without a human aboard... I would sometimes climb on for a few minutes, but I only weighed 118 back then. The 'big deal' is letting their knees close up, and different breeds (and each individual animal) does it at a different time. We usually began actual 'work' at 3, but still only for short periods and nothing that involved sliding or twisting that might affect young growing bones...

    Libby has a long life ahead of her... taking a little bit more time now at the beginning will cause her to trust you even more (i.e. she'll be used to all the 'bells and whistles' before you actual ride her much) and will definitely add years at the other end of her life. Good for you for putting her first!

  13. I read both articles and learned things I didn't know.  I've never had horses.  Always wanted one, but because of severe back problems, I haven't been able to ride.  Blessings, Penny

  14. How demoralizing! A pink saddle.
    Might better call it coral. Heh heh heh

  15. This is such a pretty picture.....
