Wednesday, January 31, 2007

18 degrees, and we walked

Ten degrees makes quite a difference; it didn't feel nearly as cold today as yesterday when we walked.  You'd be surprised  how all the bulky clothes slow us down.  But at least we're walking, and after those icy days when we were stranded in the house, I can appreciate getting out.

And that's the big excitement of my whole day.  But have faith, spring is coming!


  1. You look cold !  I know they say that  without winter we'd have no Spring ! 'On Ya' - ma

  2. Oh look cold but happy. It is pouring rain in the desert and has for the past two days. The Phoenix Open (golf) is here but they have to keep postponing it.  Strange whether everywhere.   Anne

  3. You look very cold!  It's cold here in Virginia also.  They are calling for a winter mix here starting tomorrow morning, and continuing into Friday.  Oh, by the way thanks again for the Walmart $4 list of generic medications.  Three of mine were on the list.  I hope you are having a great day.

  4. Good girl Sadie.....kep 'em on their toes.

  5. Yes, you do look cold. Those were great pictures. Good girl Sadie. Helen

  6. I am not surprised at all about how bulky winter clothes get - we wear them about six months out of the year. I am hoping for an early spring this year!


  7. When we took a trip up north with a tent trailor I found out that Wal Mart will let you camp there overnight if you can't find a campsite or are just plain ol' tired. I thought that was GREAT!  As long as there were Wal Marts we figured we'd be ok.  
    Enjoyed your pics.  

  8. Love watching the play!

  9. I think you both look adorable!!!!  That Cliff is a cutie pie!  Love those blue eyes.  And you are right about 10 degrees it makes a huge difference!  Just make sure you ALWAYS go potty before you get all those clothes on!!!  ;)

  10. I think you just look cute.

  11. You and Cliff just make me smile! :)  Loved the pics!

