Monday, January 1, 2007

Here's your laugh for the day

I promise not to keep posting things from  Really, I DO promise.  But this lady is one of the funniest folks you'll have a chance to hear, and I think everyone will enjoy this little snippet I found of Chonda Pierce.  If you do enjoy it, be sure and look for her DVDs.  She sings, too!

Chonda's mother is one of my favorite people in the world, and has given me a lot of laughs herself.  Happy New Year, Jen!  I miss you.  Maybe I'll hitch-hike to Tennessee this year and visit you.  It's been far too long since we've had a good face-to-face talk.


  1. Yes, you are right.  This is a very funny clip.  Thanks, I had never heard of her before.  I'll have to check out more of her material.

  2. She is funny! And she sure makes her point about the expectant mother parking! I've got a handicapped sticker but on my good days I park elsewhere and I see teens using the stickers of their relatives and running into the store.

  3. I love you tube keep them coming...keeps me from having to sort through the bad ones. lol
    donna In TEXAs

  4. Oh you could make a addict out of me.  I went there and found some fun stuff!  

  5. I love the YouTube.  Also, I'm a big fan of Chonda's so loved the clip.  (I think I have near all her dvd's.)  Course, like you, I've met her mamma and understand where the humor was hatched.  BTW, I tried to post on your other journal and (you know me) got scared off by all the sign in requirements.  All I wanted to say is that I loved the clip of Iris.  That's the first time I'd heard her.  I just love her style.  Course, she was in good company with EmmyLou, of whom I'm a huge fan.  Thanks for posting that clip.  Best blessings of the New Year to you and Cliff.  Boo

  6. I am addicted to Youtube... I need help! lol  I had never heard of her, but I sure enjoyed that clip!  Loved the bit about the menopause! :)

    Thansk for sharing, Donna!


  7. Well, I liked that so much I decided to go on over to Youtube to see if there were more and found myself entranced in her videos that I stayed almost an hour.  Thank you for the clip.  Blessings to you and Cliff as we start the new year, Penny

  8. I love Chondra Pierce!
