Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hats and horns!!!! Let's celebrate!

Look at my hit counter, would you?  I know it's tiny... I chose it because of its diminutive size.  Anyway, I've actually passed 100,000 hits on this journal.

That count isn't entirely accurate, because after my AOL counter started over for about the fourth time and I got myself a different kind, I had to go from memory on the starting number. 

Also, the counter registers my own visits here, as well as return visits by my readers, I believe.  I'm too lazy to go looking for something fancier.  So yeah, I'm not all that popular.  It amazes me that anybody finds my ramblings all that interesting.

Thanks to all my faithful, regular readers.  And to any new ones.

And especially to relatives and AOL buddies, for whom this thing was originally conceived.


  1. WOO HOO! Congrats on surpassing 100, 000! :)

  2. congratulations!!!!!  you deserve every visit....Hugs..Ora

  3. You GO girl !!  We always enjoy the 'read' here on your journal page Donna.

  4. Count in my husband and I, we've added quite a few 'hits', I'm sure.    As I've written in the past, we so enjoy all of your horse stories, pictures and videos, but really I find every one of your entries enjoyable .. I appreciate your 'dry' humor, you make me smile.  Do you know it's much warmer here in CT than in MO .. it is still 50 degrees here at 5pm, and we have yet to see a flake of snow this season (well, maybe ONE flake fell, lol) ....  Judy

  5. Congratulations......You just don't understand how much everyone else wants the uncluttered, heart warming, honest, straightforward life of a country girl.

  6. I always love to read your stories.

  7. Mosie,
    I am completely addicted to your posts.  You are a very talented writer, and have a way with conveying your thoughts into words!  I look forward to clicking on your link every day.  Of course, we have two MFT's (your Blue and my Gator) that resemble each other!  Thank you for being part of my family... even though you have never met me!  Keep writing!

  8. Always reading here! You can set the counter to not record your visits I have the same as you and I did that.

  9. Congrats on all the visits (hits) to your journal - I know I always enjoy reading and seeing what's going on your way.  'On Ya' - ma

  10. I always love reading your journal Donna!  You are the best rambler I know! :)


  11. Congratulations on hitting this milestone with your journal.  Don't be so surprised that we are interested in what you write, you write just fine.  I enjoy your journal very much and hope you reach the million mark one day.

  12. Congrats Mo!  What a milestone.  Keep on keeping on.  Boo

  13. You write well and always have something interesting to discuss.  You aren't a ranter and you don't criticize so I bet that's why people are interested.
