Monday, November 27, 2006

My friend, Lona

Browsing through the "my documents" section of my computer, I found this poem I wrote.  My buddy Lona is in rehab right now, going through seven kinds of hell.  If you are a praying person, please remember Lona.  If you aren't, then please send good and positive wishes her way.  I'm sure she's sick and tired of being in rehab.

When I got a computer, I had heard some awful stories;
Some were kind of asinine, and some were downright gory,
About the dangers one might face while on the Internet,
And all the bawdy creatures one might wish she had not met.

I ventured to a chat room of the “Christian senior” type,
Prepared to use some wisdom, and get past the Newsday hype,
And find, perhaps, somebody sharing common thoughts and goals,
To help me to define myself, and find my proper role.

Ah, cautiously I watched the type that came across the screen:
The people I saw chatting weren’t counterfeit, or mean:
And yet I used discretion, till at last there came a day
I set up an acquaintance with someone called LonaMay.

We found out we were neighbors, not so many miles apart,
And we shared common interests, and the same things touched our hearts.
The more we chatted in the room, the more we had to say,
And gradually, I learned to trust my good friend, LonaMay.

One thing led to another, and of course we finally met.
(Now there’s a day in Texas that we never will forget!)
And later, down in Tennessee, I also met her Don.
I’m glad I got to meet him, before Jesus called him on.

Since then, I’ve met so many folks that I look on as friends…
Good people whom I dearly love, and on whom I depend.
Dear allies whose great kindnesses I never can repay…
And first and foremost of all these is my friend, Lona May!



  1. This was a beautiful poem Donna and sooooooo true....I too always heard horror stories about the people that were on the internet, and sure, there probably are some mean and dishonest folks on here...but hey, so it is in the "real" world too....What I have found here are many many very kind hearted loving people....just like you and Lona May...that have virtually held me up when I was at the lowest point in my life and I did not want to even breathe another breath...and I will never forget that....or you Mosie.
    love ya,

  2. There are good and bad people on the internet....but hey, it sounds like my neighborhood, too!!  I've chosen to weed out the ones who I don't want to associate with.  Just like in real life.  You are blessed to have made a friend like Lona. I don't know what's wrong with her but I will keep her in my prayers.
    I hope she gets better.

  3. Prayers going up for your friend Lona. May she soon be well enough to go back home soon. Helen

  4. Beautiful poem Donna and I will keep Lona in my prayers.    Anne

  5. I remember those early days in that room - and our friends who have disappeared or gone to be with our Lord.  Wish they were back, sometimes.

    And yes, please pray for Lona.

  6. Lona is one of the sweetest people we know. Both Bob and I are praying for her.

  7. God Bless you and Lona May

  8. I do hope that Lona gets better soon. I have been praying for her. I really like this poem.

  9. Good poem!  Prayers going up for Lona.  -  Barbara

  10. Awww, Mo, I love this poem.  Thank you for putting it in your journal.
    I am praying for Lona.  She really needs that.
