Tuesday, November 14, 2006

desensitizing a horse

A reader asked why I "sack" Libby, and wondered what purpose there is in this activity of rubbing plastic bags (filled with cans rattling) against a horse's body repeatedly. 

It's called "desensitizing" the horse.  Rather than try to explain in my own words, I give you this link, which explains it well.  In fact, that whole website, "Training Horses The Wal-Mart Way", looks like a good one!  I discovered it just now, while googling up a good answer for my readers.

I keep forgetting about my intention to mention something for which I'm thankful at the end of each entry; sorry about that!  Today I'm thankful for all the information I have right at my fingertips on the Internet.


  1. I will check out the site.
    I like ideas of how to keep the horses from spooking! Crystal has that problem. Precious just plods along.

  2. is it away to keep them calm when rattle snakes are around?

  3. I was hoping you wouldn't forget the Thankful part.  I see that Faye put a Thankful entry in today too !  I to am thankful for the internet and all the info.  On the news the other night they said that 58 percent of the medical questions googled were diagnosed correctly...I wonder what percentage doctors have???  'On Ya' - ma

  4. Sometimes the thankfulness in our hearts has a hard time getting publicized in the rat race of life. .........still enjoying the horse training sites.

  5. Wonderful wonderful sites you are finding!  I am enjoying all your finds and learning so much..thankyou!

  6. I liked that website.  Riding a spooky horse is no fun for anyone.  Good for you for getting in so much ground work.  Libby will be first rate!

  7. I am thankful for the desensitizing tip............I'm going to try it on my husband tonight. Do the coke cans need to be empty?    Anne

  8. I am thankful for Anne's comment which made me LOL.
