Tuesday, November 7, 2006

"Nobody heard me crying."

My regular readers probably know that I babysit my two granddaughters before and after school. 

Last Friday, Cliff took a vacation day from work and was tackling some project in the shop when Monica and Natalie got home from school.  They were in and out a lot, sometimes with Cliff, sometimes playing with neighbor kids or jumping on the trampoline.  They're nine and (almost) eleven, so they don't require a lot of watching, although I do check often to make sure they don't stray too far from our property.

Monica had come in to watch TV and I was at the computer when Natalie came in the door crying as though her heart would break.  Turns out she'd fallen on the sidewalk, and had really scraped her hands raw.  Upon examination, one knee needed a couple of band aids.

Crisis averted and tears dried, Natalie said, "Grandma, nobody heard me crying."

She sounded so sad when she said it, as though that were the biggest part of her pain.

I've turned that phrase over in my head many times since Friday, realizing that it puts into words one of human-kind's biggest fears... that we'll cry, and nobody will hear.

I'm thankful today that I have someone to hear me when I cry.


  1. I think that is so sad, "nobody heard me crying" . I think there are a lot of people out there that are experiencing that. I am thankful for my journal....somebody hears me crying.

  2. awww....Poor Natalie!!!! there are many people, especially kids who know that feeling!

  3. You are so blessed !  We all need a shoulder to lean on now and then.  'On Ya' - ma

  4. You have hit the nail on the head!  Our biggest need is to feel someone hears and cares.  Thankfully there is One who always hears and cares!!  I pray that more would recognize and know Him.  -  Barbara

  5. You know the best thing a child can recieve after a minor injury is a lot of cuddles from someone, Preferably Mom or Grandma. I am thankful we do have out Lord who hears us when we cry. Have a good day. Helen

  6. I admire you for taking care of your granddaughters each and every day like that.  I do miss being near family.  I hope we get to move to be near my sister in Lousiville KY area so we can have more time together as families.  So sorry to hear Natalie scraped up her knee but looks as though it brought some thankfulness to mind.  Hugs,

  7. Out of the mouth of babes.

  8. You've done it again.....GREAT ENTRY!  Doesn't this just make you want to listen more carefully to others and be able to detect when they are "crying".  Oh, I could take this and really preach a sermon with it.....but I won't....not here.

  9. Suggestion:  This sounds like a poem to me.

  10. It's sad when you think of all the people in the world.. the elderly, who live alone, the homeless, with no friends or family, the child, who is ignored and cries out and no one hears them.  So many different cries, for so many different reasons.  Very good analogy, Donna.  Makes one really think.


  11. That is one of the things that hurts the most for me too, Mosie...You are a very wize woman....
    Love ya,

  12. Bingo! I think that is the biggest fear of most people. You are a very wise person.

  13. You are blessed that someone would hear you.  So many don't have that.  I see it all the time in the hospital.  Very sad.
    Great analogy...and I agree with one of your previous commenters....this could be a poem in the making!

  14. Aww! I want to give her a big hug. That is one of the worst experiences...being hurt and no one coming to help you.  I had a bad fall as a kid. I was ordered to take the dog for a walk. I wasn't too keen because it was FREEZING out and everything was covered with a coating of ice.  The dog was eager for a run and took off the minute we were out the door. The dog literally pulled me off my feet (I slid on the ice), I was airborn and landed flat on my back at the foot of the front steps...a fall of probably 6 feet onto asphalt.  I hit my head and had the wind knocked out of me. Bruised my tailbone too.  I laid out there gasping for air for what felt like a half hour. Then, because of the bruising, I couldn't find a purchase on the slippery driveway to regain my feet. I began to scream, cry, and call for help. I think another half hour passed and I finally managed to crawl back up the steps to the front door and reach the bell.  No one heard me and no one ever came looking for me.  To top it all off, the moment my mother opened the front door, she yelled at me...for ringing the bell and for "screwing around". She was oblivious to my pain and tears until I fell, sobbing, into the entryway.  Even then, she was not at all sympathetic. I guess she didn't believe me when I told her what happened. I probably should have made her feel the goose egg forming on the back of my head. I probably should have pressed and forced her to listen to my story. I probably had a concussion that was never treated.  It's 30 years later and I still have anger about that incident. LOL!  Ah the scars of childhood.

  15. For that you are very lucky, for I cry alone.  :o(

  16. Someone to hear me cry.
    Gaining the trust of a critter.
    Enjoying another body's smile.
    Thanks for the reminders.
