Tuesday, November 14, 2006

happenings today

After ponying Libby this morning, I rode Blue for an hour-and-a-half.  It turned out to be colder than I realized, and I was wishing I'd worn my coveralls.  Blue, however, was soaking wet with sweat. 

By the time I got home, it was almost noon, so we made our Tuesday trek to Subway.

The calorie-count on Subway sandwiches isn't bad at all, and we load them up with all the veggies they offer.  On Tuesdays, they're a real bargain.  We get a meatball sub for lunch, and a cold-cut combo for our supper.

The worst part of it is that Cliff gets about two days' worth of sodium in one day.  I try to make up for that in the following days; we really LOVE our Subway sandwiches.


  1. Ethan loves Subway too............

  2. I love looking at all the houses in the last picture....so pretty...and front porches!  ::sigh::


  3. Yeah, Subway is a good alternate to any of the other fastfood places, especially McDonald's.

    Man, you can get fat just by eating a french fry. LoL

  4. Heck, you could've waited another 20 seconds and been in front of MY house!

  5. We have a Subway very near us and they are good. Paula

  6. I've heard that Subway has some really great offerings these days -- BUT I will NOT give them my business because of their commercials with that wormy Jared guy.  I can't stand the sight of him.  And usually I'm so very tolerant.



  7. Believe it or not, at our Walmart we have a Subway in it instead of McDonalds!  Most have the McDonalds around where I used to live.  We have one the next town over, just a 5 minute drive.  They are pretty good, and I didnt know they were having that special...mmmmm might have to tell Ian about it and have that Friday night! :)

  8. Oh, we love subway too.  But as you pointed out the sodium is bad.  Like you we just have to try and cut corners elsewhere.

  9. I didn't realize how much bigger Blue is than Libby.  Will she catch up?  I hope so!
    Subway has great sandwiches.  Everything done in moderation is the key!
    Have a good night.
