Saturday, November 25, 2006

Another nice day

Cliff and I took off on the motorcycle around 9:30, thinking the sun would come out and warm things up.  We were going to go to Sedalia, perhaps eat a steak, and return home.

Unfortunately, it didn't warm up fast enough to suit us.  We aborted the trip at 50 highway and came back home to warm up.

By 1 PM the temperature was perfect for bike-riding, but we were out of the mood.  So I rode Blue to town, said hi to my daughter and granddaughters, and then rode on some back roads and across a few fields.

Once Blue was put up, I worked with Libby, and took her into the shop; Blue won't set foot in the shop.

"Damn," Cliff said, "You've already got her so dead-headed she won't move outta the way when I go through the gate."

But there was admiration in his voice.

The girls and I were going to bring Libby in the house the other day, and she refused; so we're working on that.  (Don't laugh, the house isn't nearly as neat and clean as the shop... a little horse-poop wouldn't hurt anything.)

You don't think a horse should be in the house?  Then I guess you haven't met Patches.  Everybody should have a house-horse.  To meet Patches, click HERE.

I wish you all good times and happy memories such as I have.

Good night.



  1. Nice weather we're having huh? I hear Tues night is supposed to get cold on us! BRRRR
    Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving. :)
    Patches is so adorable, I'd love to have him. He'd be totally spoiled!!!!!!!! I snagged that video to show on Furr Babies one day.
    Hugs, Sugar

  2. OMG..............I am still laughing over Patches............loved the video!   Anne

  3. When I was younger (8 or 9), I had some friends who had a pony... they told me if I could catch it, I could ride it. I spent the next several weeks coaxing and spending a lot of time. FINALLY, I caught the pony and after a little tussle I got the bridle on. Remember I was little and someone else had always brought the pony to me to ride. Anyway, I took the pony to my house and yelled for Mom to come and Look! She said she was busy and to bring whatever it was into the kitchen so she could see... So I did! Let's just say she wasn't amused at the time... although it DID become a favorite story of hers later

  4. So funny seeing Blue rolling around in the dust.  I wonder why it feels so good?? LOL!
    Ok..if you bring Libby into the house we HAVE to see pics!!  LOL!

  5. When we lived on the ranch one of the cows always followed me around and tried to come into the kitchen. No cow patties on my floor I told her. Paula

  6. I'm pretty sure all my pets add up to one horse.  


  7. That video was sooo cute !  Glad you had another day of wonderful memories!  'On Ya' - ma

  8. Derby likes to roll too...its so funny to watch a big animal like that roll around!  Well, I don't think a house horse is strange at all...if I can have a house chicken, why not a house horse? :)

  9. I go away for three days and the horse is almost in the house!!  LOL.  Pretty soon she'll be watching CSI with you.  :o)

    Yes Donna, I am thankful too.  Thankful that I can visit my niece and enjoy three days of her company.  Thankful to come home to my home and enjoy it.  Thankful that I have a job to go back to on Monday. (ACK!! Did I really say that?)  Thankful that I have dear friends.

    Yes, I'm thankful too.  God has been very good to me.

    I'm glad you had a great holiday.  The pictures are great.


    Chiquita Banana

  10. What a wonderful unconventional grandma you are!  How did you find that video.

  11. We've watched the patches video before. I miss my Dakota so much.
