Monday, April 10, 2006

What a nice day

This is almost a perfect day, weatherwise.  I had a great horseback ride, and Blue was energetic and ready to go; only now, I can hardly put one foot in front of the other.  I'm worn out!  As you can see, Cliff got a lot done on his shop addition.  Now it's time for him to go punch the time clock and make us some money.


  1. WOW Cliff has really made some progress on the project!!  It'll be done in no time at all!  I love your pictures.  Makes me feel like I'm right there with you.
    Tell Cliff to be careful working up there on that roof!

  2. Good job Cliff.  Yesterday that roof wasn't up.

  3. Loved the pics of you and Joanne, and boy, is Cliff hauling tail on getting that addition done!  

    I enjoy Travis Tritt too...   Cute T=shirt!


  4. I can't believe how far Cliff is already on that building!

  5. Are those Mayflowers sometimes called Maypops, too ?

  6. Poor Cliff looks like he can barely make it up that hill after all that work he did today. Guess that is the first Mayflower I have ever seen. Wonder if they ever have any colorful blooms on them. Helen

  7. Donna, that does not look like violets. At least not like what we have in Kentucky. The flower looks more like what we call wild sweet wiliams.

  8. What a great day you had!  It sounds wonderful.  I went to work and sat behind a desk 7-4 and then home to do my usual evening chores! Inside of course...Hopefully I'll get some 'outdoors' time soon!  No flowers blooming here yet, cept for the daffodils.  'On Ya' - ma

  9. beautiful pictures. So happy that you got to go riding.  Looks like he is coming right a long with the shop addition. Good for him.

  10. he is really moving along! i wish i could get pat to working like that.

  11. Looks like some busy times on the farm!  Linda

  12. Great shots!  And although you were tired, glad you enjoyed your ride.  Wish I was riding with you -- not that I'm good at it. LOL!  The mayflowers are May Apples!  Before they bloom the bud looks like an apple hiding under the leaves.
