Friday, April 14, 2006

six weird things

Ukeliah (oh, I just found out it's Mel.  LOL) tagged me to do "six weird things about me".  Here goes:


1. I don’t drive, and have never had a license.

2. I don’t like talking on the phone, and try to avoid it.

3. I’m considered blunt by those who know me.

4. I’ve refused, up to now, to give in to air conditioning (except in the bedroom, as of last year). In Missouri, that’s pretty much unheard of.

5. I like to spend a night at my cabin in the woods with my dog, listening to Native American music, then going to sleep listening to a CD of some nuns saying the Rosary.  No, I’m not Indian, nor am I Catholic.

6. I didn’t date until I was twenty years old; I never went to the Prom or any other school social function.




  1. Ohhh do you listen to Indian flute music??  That's fabulous !! I love it.

  2. Awesome! You know, I didn't think about it, but that could have been one of mine... whenever I feel stressed out around a certain time of day, I'll turn on the Catholic radio station and listen to the saying of the Rosary. It's very meditative, isn't it?
    I forgot to mention that you can optionally tag six more victims - er, bloggers - if you like.

  3. I'm glad to know that someone else shares my dislike for the phone!  As a teenager I loved it....but now....UGH!  
    How nice that you have the cabin for your little retreat!  How often do you stay there?  

  4. Love it!  Promise you'll take me out to the cabin when I come!!!  I love both of those genres...have you ever tried African Drums?  If you get the right type...amazing!


  5. I didn't go to a prom in high school either.  The quiet in the woods in something I enjoy also.  I don't think you're weird at all, I think you have "it together". Go Girl.

  6. I knew most of that already -- except the phone part.  I've been confessing weird things since almost day one of my blog.  I love weird people!!


  7. Weird ... hmm.  I think my list could not be kept to six.  

  8. My list would be so long I would bore the pants of everyone! lol


  9. I'm a city girl and we have some similar weird things.
    1) I don't drive anymore. I hate it.
    2) I hate the phone. I usually let the machine get it.
    3) I can be blunt.....I think before I speak nowadays. LOL!
    4) I never went to the prom or school functions.


  10. Interesting things, I know I'm just a weird person. LOL.
