Sunday, April 9, 2006

Checking in briefly

This is my friend Joanna, from Virginia, getting acquainted with Blue.  Almost two years ago, I spent a week with her and she showed me the sights in and around Washington, DC.  Now she's soaking in the sights here on my 43 acres.  It's been coolish, so we didn't spend as much time outside as I would have liked.  I took a picture of the two of us and Sadie at the cabin, but the picture isn't the best of Joanna, and I refuse to share unflattering pictures of friends.

Yesterday I had one of our family dinners, so Joanna got to meet my daughter's family (along with Brett's girl friend), my sister, and my son's oldest daughter.

Today I think we're going to take in the City Market in Kansas City before we take Joanna to meet her plane.  I have cinnamon rolls rising for breakfast.  My daughter and her family need to come to my house and eat some leftovers while we're gone, because Cliff and I will get back to healthy eating tomorrow.


  1. Well, that's a flattering picture of both Joanna and Blue!  Enjoy the rest of your quick vacation!

  2. cool! I hope you and bnana bana bo bana are having fun! :D

  3. That is a great picture of her and blue. Glad that ya'll are having a great time. I can almost smell those cinnamon rollls down here in AL. Helen

  4. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time... those cinamon rolls sound wonderful! have fun, Sandra

  5. Aw how fun!  I want to meet Blue too!

  6. That's a great pic of your friend and Blue!  Glad you had a good visit.

  7. Glad you have had a good visit.  No leaves on the trees yet?  I'm staying in AZ untill the leaves come back on the trees!  Sounds like you have a wonderful breakfast in store.  Anne

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you!  Bet you won't have any trouble getting that daughters family over to eat up the leftovers.  ;o) -  Barbara

  9. Great photo of Blue! ~Diane~                                                                                                    

  10. Blue looks like he's really enjoying all of the attention.  Did you take your friend on a ride?  I'm so glad you are having a good time!

  11. what a wonderful picture. Thanks for sharing and hope your all having a great time.

  12. I would love to be there in that picture with Joanna and Blue. So happy you two had a great visit.

  13. All I have to say is, everything you see and read here is as it is.  I sat on the little porch of the cabin with the feeling that I had been there before.  The fields, the animals, the cabin all are EXACTLY as she describes them.  It was such a pleasure to be there.

    I HAD A BLAST!!!  :o)

    Thank you so much, Mosie.

  14. I think it's so wonderful that you and Joanne have become such good friends, just from your journals.  You each open your homes to one another, and accept each other for who you are!

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Mosie! :)

