Tuesday, April 11, 2006

looking for morels, finding flowers

It's early yet, but I read where some folks not far from here found some morel mushrooms.  Not wanting my efforts to be totally wasted (and it is EXTREME effort, at my age, with my knees, to scale the hills, hollers and ditches of our place) I took the camera along.

That dandelion picture is so totally awesome viewed at the original size in which I took it that I selected it as my desktop for awhile.  If anyone would like to try it, let me know and I'll e-mail you the photo. 

I think someone recently told me the name of that tiny white flower, but I've forgotten.  Feel free to leave comments if you know what any of the plants are.

Richard, one of my readers, pointed out yesterday that I was referring to Sweet William as violets; I stand corrected.


  1. Loved walking thru the woods with you !! Lots of neat sights !!

  2. really great pictures!!.. your picture of the wild violet brought me right back to my childhood when I would pick them for my mother!!  
    the one bluish flower looks somewhat like Plumbego (not sure of the spelling) but if the flower pod sticks to clothing that's probably what it is..

  3. I love that second fern (?) picture....I really like ferns....but I can't hardly keep them alive for anything...

    Buddy's lookin' alot better lately...  ;-)  bless his little heart...


  4. The dandelion picture is beautiful up close!  Thanks for sharing the pictures you took on your hunt.

    Hope you are having a good week, Jeff http://pointclickjeff.blogspot.com/

  5. Looks like spring has sprung (about time!) I'm so GLAD you took your camera along.  LOVed ALL  the pictures.   Anne

  6. How pretty, yes I have seen white, yellow and purple violets!  Linda

  7. Yes, I've found some morels! And I hate to tell you where--because you know where I live, and I almost feel guilty about it--but right in my front yard! So now, we have a strip of lawn that isn't mowed--and that we go stare at at least twice a day. We even have twigs marking the one's we've found. If the neighbors didn't think we were crazy already, they do now. And have what looks to be the proof!
    Love the pictures of the flowers; there were yellow, purple and white violets at the farm.
    My blackberries have begun to bud, too!

  8. I loved all the nature pictures today. Thanks for sharing. Buddy really sticks with you when there is not another dog around. He is looking so much better. Helen

  9. The dandelion picture is beautiful.  Thanks for sharing all the pics.

  10. Mosie, what a wonderful walk that must have been!  The pictures are just beautiful and I went looking through 'the book'.  # 9 looks like a variety of Wood Anemone, what we refer to here as a Mayflower, although they aren't 'true' mayflowers.  # 20?  Yes, there is such a thing as yellow violets, and these are similar to the Downy Yellow Violet.  And # 29, I believe is Wild Oats.  Of course, all this is not from a plant expert, but I do enjoy the process of finding and identifying!  

  11. I loved all of your nature pictures today and especially the one in the hollow of that tree. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I felt like I was on that walk with you.. like I usually do, when you take pictures!  I loved all the beautiful flowers, and those weird fungus things, almost looked like upside down empty mushrooms..didn't they?  Weird..


  13. Absolutely great pics!!

  14. wonderful pictures, spring is finally here.

  15. Donna look at this   http://www.mystery.com/~audrey/garden/plants/uvularia_grandiflora.html

  16. Also see this   http://www.mounet.com/~jdye/spring.html  And there are yellow violets and the picture is sure one. There are also White ones , but they are more rare. I love to walk in the woods this time of year, there are so many pretty things to see.

  17. The hollow things look like they used to contain a bug. Thank you for the pictures. I really enjoyed them.
