Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Learning the names of flowers

Just a note to say thanks to Richard, my Kentucky reader, who scouted around and found the names of all my mystery plants in the last picture entry I made.  I have edited the entry to include the proper names with the pictures.  I'm going to have fun on my next walk, calling the plants by their names.  "Spring beauty".  How appropriate a name for a tiny jewel of a flower!


  1. I think flowers are pretty but I don't know the names of them. Except a rose and a few others. Love the pictures and happy you know the names now.

  2. Oh good!  Now I know the name of the plant too!  Thanks Richard!

  3. I'm terrible with names of flowers.  I hate when my neighbors ask what type of flower is that in my garden, and I have to say, "I don't know!"

  4. Hey, I'm a Kentucky reader too!
