Wednesday, November 2, 2005

My alerts are working, my coffeepot is not

Of course, I can't blame AOL for the untimely demise of my coffeepot... or can I?  Well, I won't.

About a year ago, I did a journal entry on my new coffeepot.  Yesterday at 1 PM, it refused to make coffee.  The warmer still works, but the heating unit that actually makes the coffee brew does not.  I can do just fine without coffee, until morning; but Cliff was pacing the floor.  Thank goodness I remembered having a jar of instant coffee upstairs in our camper box.

I'd drink stump water before I'd drink instant coffee, so in order to have a satisfactory dose of caffeine for this morning, I went back to the cabin and fetched the Corning Ware coffeepot I picked up at a garage sale for a buck.  It's electric, although I was going to try using it at the cabin by just setting it on the burner.  It makes darned good coffee, I'm finding out!

It will get us by, but we're going to be getting another coffee pot of some sort, because I prefer drip to perked.  Cliff says he really liked the Bunn we used for several years.  I like it too, but it costs $100.  And when it's time to de-lime it, it's a major production, putting the vinegar solution through it and following that with 10 rounds of water.  Our well-water is very hard, and leaves calcium-lime deposits on everything. 

I can get another Brew-station like the one that just died for $38, but since this one only lasted a year, I'm not sure I want to do that (although my son and his wife have used one just like it for years).  I do like the way it works.  Checking out Walmart online, I see Proctor-Silex is making an imitation of my dear departed Hamilton Beach for $28.76.     

I got my $350 orthotics (shoe inserts) yesterday.  I was instructed to use them only two hours the first day.  Today I can go four hours, and in a week or so I should be using them all the time.  I'm anxious to try them out on the walking track where, by the way, I made four rounds yesterday.  Maybe five today?


  1. Oh get the Bunn your worth it.

  2. As I am NOT a coffee drinker....but oh I love the smell of it brewing....I don't panic when ours doesn't work....but now Mixon is another case LOL...but thank goodness we have a Speedway Gas station just about a block down the road and it comes in handy let me tell you LOL....hope you find the "pot" of your liking....Hugs...Ora

  3. It seems my  AOL alerts only work once in a very great while...I check my journals now to see if any one did write.  The alert on blogspot did work !  Funny we were both reading the same thing yesterday! I'm trying to be a more 'thankful' person.  Have a great day !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I am forever thankful that i only drink "cafe vienna international" instant! lol... Not only don't i need a coffee pot, but i don't need sugar or milk either.. its all there "powdered" lol...
    love the smell of coffee when i go down the aisle in a grocery store but dont drink it.. weird.. I even like coffee ice cream.. but not coffee...

  5. Actually, we didn't have the timer one like yours, but got one last year...I'm not sure if it was changed because the old one quit, or just for upgrades sake. I do like it, but if it was my choice I'd have a Bunn here too...I like the speed of that baby.

  6. Donna - my Brew Station crapped out on me, too...a good while back.  It wasn't even a year!  I was just glad I refused to listen to Jesse and throw the old one away.  I had it stored in the laundry area and boy, was I glad I did when that pot quit one morning.  I am NOT a sociable gal til after my coffee, for sure...


  7. I only write my entries while gassed up in caffeine.

    I didn't get the alert for this entry, but I got the one for the one after. This is really getting annoying.

  8. I go for cheap coffee maker now. I am tired of paying good money EVERY year. My cheap one($10) has now lasted a year! My $50 did not make it to a year!

  9. I am like you , I like drip coffee...Danny on the other hand likes I feel bad about making just enough for me....I think I will get me one that only brew one cup or so!
    Take care,

  10. lol  You have my sympathes.  I drink tea so there for I can't say that I understand what your going through.  I can just sit here and laugh.  At least you don't have to listen to me laughing.  lol
