Monday, November 28, 2005

God Bless The Children

My mother stood watch over me, so nobody ever molested me.  My daddy never got drunk or hit my mother.  I went to church three times a week, and to the First Sunday singings once a month, and vacation Bible school in summer.  My uncles and aunts loved me, and I spent a week every summer with Grandma, and another with Sister.  It was so easy for me.

But now, I want to salute the children who didn't have it as good as I did.

God bless the children who watch Daddy come home drunk and beat their mom, and try to figure out a way to help... and get hurt in the process.

God bless the oldest child, who learns early on to babysit his younger siblings while his parents go out and party.

God bless the child whose parents don't expect him to do his homework; the one who gets a job throwing papers at the age of fifteen, at 3:30 every morning, and finally quits school because it's nice to have money... and nobody really cares whether he gets good grades or not.

God bless the children who have to change schools time and time again because their parents can't pay the rent, so they move; and the boy who has to wear his daddy's overalls to school on the day pictures are taken, because he only has one pair of jeans... and they're in the dirty clothes hamper.  Later, that child grows up, goes to night school, and gets his G.E.D., surprised to find out that he's as smart as anyone.

God bless the children who only get one tiny toy on  Christmas morning, and are tickled to death to get it... while other kids demand X-Boxes and other expensive toys, and still aren't satisfied.

God bless the children who are molested by brothers-in-law and uncles and cousins, and STILL grow up to be useful adults, keeping their secrets deep inside them, paying the price in broken relationships and insecurities, but always able to laugh.

God bless the siblings who go through all these seperate struggles and still love one another, and know that family is the most important thing.

God bless the children.



  1. This is what I was reading the second your alert popped up...


  3. God bless you., wonderful post.

  4. Our family and home was certainly not perfect, but the older I get the more I realize what  a gift I had been given in that home.  And the blessing of the extended family I had.  A hertitage is what I call it.  -  Barbara

  5. So well written and so thought provoking. God does know each one of their names and he watches over them. He placed one of them in my care to mentor; one of those forgotten kids. Thank you Lord.


  6. So you come back from Wisconsin just to write an entry that would make me cry???!!!   And to make me think I should not feel so sorry for myself all the time???!!!  Bless you, darlin'.


  7. At one time these things were not the norm in most families, sadly they are now more normal than not. Yes, God bless the children! Wonderful wake up call for us all Mo.

  8. Amen Donna. Great picture. Helen

  9. What can I say?  A truly beautiful entry!  I've cared for them, loved them and prayed for them.  In some ways, I was them.  Thank you.  Blessings, Penny

  10. Mosie, This touched me so. My grandkids fall into that catagory. All Jim and I can offer is a safe haven and lots of love. There are SO many kids out there that need personal attention and unconditional love.  God bless them all.   ANNE

  11. Well, heck!  I went from smiling in your last entry, to crying in this one!  This touched me deeply...   I don't even have words for just how much ...


  12. Yes-I had it pretty nice & normal as a child,but we know not everybody is as lucky-God
    Bless the child....~Diane~

  13. Beautiful entry! Is that you sitting in the middle in the picture? If so, you were adorable <g>

  14. In answer to Astaryth:  That's my husband, his sister Rena, and his brother Don.  This entry is in their honor, as well as their younger siblings, Charlene, Warren, and the sister who only lived to be 3 years old... Ina.

  15. I wasn't very far into this when I knew that it was Dad's family.  I cried anyway.  I am so thankful for such a great childhood.  Dad could have kept the ccle completing itself, but he rose above.  Damn.  I know what he went through...what they ALL went through, but I tune it out most of the time.  God bless the parents who rise above.

  16. This made me cry. I still am so raw from finding out that Dave Strayer molested my daughter....a close family friend...

  17. beautiful, beautiful, touching entry.  
    thanks, sweety.
