Sunday, November 6, 2005

Moe Bandy

Moe, noticing my George Jones T-shirt, asked where I'd seen "the Possum" perform.  He told a couple of stories on stage about some escapades he and George went through together.

I've figured out the way to get your picture taken with someone in the music industry:  Catch them either before they get famous, or  long after their glory years.  They'll gladly pose with you.

I realize most of my readers don't have a clue who this guy is... you'd have to have been a country fan back in the 70's to know him.

Here's one of my favorite Moe Bandy songs... I don't know whether he wrote it or not, but it was one of his last records to make the charts.


If life is like a candle bright,
Death must be the wind.
You can close your window tight
And it still comes blowing in.
So I will climb the highest hill
To watch the rising sun,
And pray that I don't feel the chill
Till I'm too old to die young.

Let me watch my children grow
To see what they become.
Oh Lord don't let that cold wind blow
Till I'm too old to die young.

Now I have had some dear sweet friends
I thought would never die
Now all that is left of them
Is the tear drops in my eye
If I could have one wish today
And know it would be done
I would say every one can stay
'Till they're too old to die young


  1. I never knew who HE was, but I do remember that song!  

    Nice picture Mosie!  You look so pretty! :)


  2. That is a wonderful picture.... especially of you! Sandra

  3. I remember moe bandy my dad like him....I guess that makes me old lol
    donna In TEXAS

  4. I remember Moe Bandy and I'm not old at all!  (Well...most days anyway...)


  5. Hey, I know Moe Bandy... course I was one of those weird kids in High School that listened to rock AND that 'twangy country stuff' <LOL> Also, my Mom was a big country fan... which is probably why I liked it.

  6. OH husband loves that music and George Jones is one of his favorites!!!  Sometimes it is all Gabby and I can take riding in the car with him when he has control of the radio...but we still love him! Great picture, you look wonderful!!

  7. I remember Moe. I agree it is easy to get picture taken when they are a "has-been"

  8. You're looking good! And I even know who George Jones is.

  9. looks like ya'll had fun.  I used to go see Mo Bandy play at Holiday Beach in Douglas, Georgia.  He's a great performer.


  10. I haven't heard Moe Bandy's name mentioned in a long time. Yes I know who he is. Paula
