Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday Photo Shoot

Here's John Scalzi's assignment.

Have something you collect? Then this is the Photo Shoot for you:

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Let us see your collection of whatever it is you collect. Thimbles, NASCAR collectables, Star Trek figurines -- what it is, let's see those tchotchkes!

I collect Better Homes And Gardens Cookbooks.  I think I have every edition now except the newest one, and I'm waiting until that one's been around for a few months so I can get it cheaper on Ebay or  There are a couple of Betty Crocker cookbooks, too. 

And  as you see, I collect a few horses.  In order, the horses are:  A Breyer Foxtrotter (like my Blue), a Breyer Tennessee Walking Horse, a wooded carved rearing horse I bought in Mexico a couple of years ago, and a cowboy-with-yearling Cliff bought me when he went to Wisconsin without me.

I also collect dust, but hopefully you can't see that in the picture.


  1. hee hee...I collect dust, too!  What a coincidence!  I also collect baskets, but getting up on the counter to take pictures of them is a pain. so I won't.  That's all I need, is to get up on the counter and then fall off and break something (else).


  2. I wish my digital camera worked!  I collect penguins!  Love them!  I have a slew of them in my bathroom!

    Love all those cookbooks.  I do believe my mom had one just like that.  I remember the pattern on the front.


  3. I probably have the best dust bunny collection around.  I love my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook.  I got it for a gift as a bride and still use it!  'On Ya' - ma

  4. That's a neat collection. I have my Betty Crocker Cookbook from the 1960's the receipes.....Sandi

  5.  angels I collect.  Have so many have asked for no more as gifts. Pinkroseal

  6. No wonder you are such a good cook!

  7. My first cookbook was a Betty Crocker. ...I have loads of collections.

  8. Going from Tude to shoplifting to homework taking collection pictures: I can't keep up with ha girl. LMHO.

  9. I have one Betty Croker book and it is what I use for the essencials.  I also have a Pilsbury Easy One Step book that is great for easy meals.  I think of it as fresh made hamburger helper.  
    Sorry about the spelling.

  10. Well I would have to say my best collection is the dust under my bed....LOL...otherwise I collect "chimney sweeps"...those sweet little guys that clean the chimney in different countries...started this when we lived in Germany....don't have many....but they are cute....Hugs..Ora

  11. your last sentence is exactly what I wrote in Scalzi's blog.  lol!!!!

    I love cookbooks too, mosie.  I can sit for hours looking thru one.  :-)

  12. I use to collect ceramic cats and cat pictures. I had one wall arranged with 8 by 10 cat pictures all in black matching frames. I got the pictures out of Cat Fancy magazines and other magazines. When we panneled the living room we decided no more holes in the wall. When I moved out here I mostly got rid of all collections and now I collect rattlesnake rattles. It is odd that I didn't get a single one this summer. Paula

  13. Oh, you need to get the Breast cancer edition of the Better homes and gardens is a limited edition but a collector like yourself should get's pink checkerboard hard covered binder...:)  I got one for a gift....:)
