Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The fat season

Well, it's begun.  Halloween, you know, ushers in the "fat season". 

Cliff and I live in the country, and we haven't had any trick-or-treaters for years.  But we always buy a bag or two of candy, "just in case".

Of course, you know who eats the candy, and that gets us started.  Oh yeah.

Less than a month later comes our country's national eating marathon, Thanksgiving.  We have Thanksgiving dinners at work, at Church, at school, and with both sides of the family.  Oh yeah.

In the thirty days following that, we drag out all our recipes for Christmas candies and cookies, and consume mountains of sugar and starches.  And let's not even think about the eggnog.  Oh yeah. 

No wonder, on New Year's Day, all the stores feature diet products in their ads.  No wonder half the nation makes resolutions to lose weight.  After all, we only have ten months before the madness starts again.

Oh yeah.


  1. Oh, yeah...and the fat season brings out our lovely holiday hips.

  2. There is one (and only one) good reason for getting "old"!... we aren't supposed to look like we did when we were 25 anymore!  Grandma's and Grandpa's are "supposed" to have ummmm a little more weight!   Well.. thats MY excuse~!

  3. Dear Donna....I just want to take this time to say "thank you"...for bringing to our attention the updates on the upcoming seasons and their pitfalls.....cannot tell you how much I appreciate this endeavor....but don't think it is going to help in any way to curb our "unsatiable appetites"....LOLOLOL....Hugs...Ora

  4. and may I add..........I am waiting for some good recipes from you.  Anne

  5. I don't know about all the rest, but I love it !!!  'On Ya ' -ma

  6. I just love the holidays!

  7. Oh good grief....and I started Weight Watcher 3 weeks ago.  Oh well, I'll do my best.


  8. I'm reading, I'm reading evry day. Sheesh? I wonder same thing some times. Let me miss one, somebody tells me. Of course some respounces have slowen some since moving next door. That's there choice. I made mine.

    And dear lady, Your're as beautiful as ever.
    Feel better now. (Smiles)

  9. Hey, I'm blaming my weight gain on my slow metabolism!  :)  (Nevermind that I do exactly what you do with the Halloween candy!)

    I love your journal!


  10. Bring on the sugar!!

  11. Egads...don't remind me. I was good this year. I didn't buy any candy "just in case" and I have avoided the stores after Halloween that are no doubt selling their excess candy at half off.

    I wish I could say Thanksgiving won't be a problem but by the love of all things Sweet Potato, I KNOW it will.

    I'm making my New Year's Resolution now....that way I'll have a head start on losing the weight I promise I'll gain. HEHEHEHE

