Monday, March 28, 2005

a walk in the woods

I thought perhaps I'd find a mushroom or two today, since we had some rain last week and it's in the 70's now.  I see on the Missouri Morel Message board that a few black morels have been found (I didn't know there WERE black ones; I've found little grays though, they are usually the earliest to be discovered).  I took a picture of some Dutchman's breeches, but I blurred them.  Violets aren't out yet.


  1. morels can be eaten so I've read in martha stewarts mag recently.. but it is important that they be cooked as they contain a special kind of toxin when they are raw.. and of course one would need to be certain they are indeed morels.. :)

  2. Awwwwwww...Mandy looks like she was having a ball!!!
