Saturday, March 12, 2005

I grabbed another chance to ride.  While I rode, Cliff fenced off an area of the pasture with electric fencing, so the horses have grazing space.  Because of some founder in his past, I limit Blue's time on grass. 

I had to laugh at one of the horse poems I posted yesterday evening... the one where I bragged that Blue doesn't chase cows.  HA!!!  I was wrong.  We have to keep him off heavy pasture anyhow, so it isn't really that much a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a wonderful day for a ride. My Boo is shedding also. It's supposed to be 75 here tomorrow. Since I went back to work, Sunday is Boo time, and it's been rainy or cold or rainy AND cold the last several Sundays :( But, tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful and warm, so I'm hoping a bath and good grooming will be in order. I've been meaning to take a pic of him for my Journal, I don't have any recent ones.... I'm really looking forward to it. I just LOVE how he looks, feels and smells after his bath <LOL>
