Friday, March 18, 2005

Time for yearly vaccines

The vet came:  Everything went smoothly this year.  The cows got their shots and de-wormer, plus lepto and pinkeye vaccines.  The horses received all their necessary shots, including West Nile virus and Sleeping Sickness.  Guess which animals' shots cost the most?  The horses, of course!  All told for all critters, $169.  But it's only once a year.  Does it have to be done?  No.  But I love my horse so much, I'm not taking any chances.  And as long as the vet is here ($30 trip fee), we may as well take care of everybody.


  1. Better safe, than sorry! I agree 100% with you on this. rich

  2. Well, I have never heard of sleeping sickness.  Glad everyone's all vaccinated!

  3. I usually get all our vaccines from the co-op. The only ones I cannot get is rabies and West nile. we just haul them over to the vets office for that. Our vet charges $60 farm call. That is cheapest around here. We need rabies because there is a lot of rabies in our area.

  4. That really wasn't such a bad deal, considering he made a house call!
    I am so glad you love your animals like you do!

  5. Looks like a new meaning for "mad cow".......
    The horses are beautiful !!

  6. Yep, Next month is horsy Vet visit for us. I do all of my own shots, wormer, etc... but the vet has to come once a year to do the coggins (although I can draw up the blood in the little tube, you have to be a vet to send it to the lab :( ) and Boo's teeth will get floated... I don't know how to do that <g>. A couple of us at the barn I board at will split the cost of the 'mobile' vet visit, so actually Boo costs less than the dog and cat's annual visits... on the other hand they don't need the farrier to visit every 6 weeks <g>..
