Sunday, March 13, 2005

Van's Warped Tour

One of the high spots of last summer was when I went with three teenagers to Van's Warped Tour.  What great people-watching!  And I found out I really do like some of the alternative-rock sounds.

Well, the dates are being set for Van's this coming summer.  I want to buy three tickets:  one for me, one for my seventeen-year-old granddaughter, Amber, and one for my sixteen-year-old grandson, Brett.  I don't drive.  And Cliff doesn't want our car in the general vicinity of so many wild punk-rockers.  If Amber can talk her mom out of the car that day, I'm buying the tickets.  We're going.  We'll see what happens.


  1. Can I say it? Sounds really "warped" too me!! LOL Have a ball, go for it, HITCHHIKE!! rich

  2. You continue to amaze me with your willingness to try new things and be around different people, sights, sounds, etc.  Rock on, Mosie!!!!   Russ

  3. Rock on Grandma! Rock on!

  4. Hope you get to go!!!!  I am going to check out the link.

  5. I guess.......I will have to keep full coverage on the car.  I asked Arick if he thought she could do the driving, he said yes?  He said, "I am not going".  I said your name wasn't mentionrd in the entry.  And it might have to do with grandma not having money, and has to borrow from your grandpa.  Amber will be glad that I am finally letting you know that the answer is YES.  I had to make her sweat it out for a few days.
