Saturday, March 19, 2005

Our day at a tractor swap-meet

The pictures pretty much tell the tale.  Cliff and I took the fourteen-year-old twins who live next door and went to Adrian, Missouri, to see what sort of old equipment could be found at the annual swap-meet.  On the way home we stopped at Harrisonville and browsed the Family Center, a HUGE farm store.  I found the saddle of my dreams, Tucker brand, for $1,200.  I don't see me getting it any time soon... I have a monitor coming, you know.


  1. I noticed alot of tractors being hauled by today while I was at work. I assumed they were having a tractor pull...which they have a few times a  year here.
    I love looking at the old ones!

  2. Not only in my stomping grounds, but my town!
    I'd forgotten about the swap meet, but I forget a lot of things anymore!
    The Family Center really is kinda amazing; a good selection of tack--as well as just about anything else you'd want. I buy some clothes there--when they're on clearance, and they still have the best price on Levis anywhere around--when they're on sale, anyway!
    The used to be Tractor Parts and Farm Supply; half of the population still refer to it as that; I get a kick out of saying, (about some article of clothing someone's commented on) "I got this at Tractor Parts and Farm Supply!"

  3. great photos!  you look cute in your coveralls ;-)


  4. The first house you lived in looks like it's in good shape. :-) And I can't believe what they want for those old tractors! Wow!

  5. Enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for sharing, Paula
