Monday, July 26, 2004

Sick puppies and nature's bounty.

Now, to look at that picture you'd never know it, but Mandy was very sick.  Evidently being wormed at the vet's Saturday, and then being given her first heartworm chewable yesterday, was too much for her little system.  She slept more and more as the day went by until she was nearly comatose.  All of us were concerned:  she wouldn't drink water or eat.  In desperation I offered her some milk, which she lapped up cautiously at first, then with increasing gusto.  She was not her normal self for the rest of the day, but she did perk up considerably.  This morning she is back to her usual puppy ways, attacking every throw rug in the house and retrieving castoff socks from around the place, taking them to her lair under the kitchen table.  She certainly gave us all a scare.

I realize the girl on the right has a shirt that says "Monica", but that's not Monica... it's Natalie.  I had a busy day yesterday.  The girls and I picked green beans and tomatoes in the garden, then picked peaches.  I froze a quart of those, sliced some for all of us to eat, and went back to the garden to dig up my potatoes.  I had planted about three pounds of seed potatoes, and ended up with about a bushel for a harvest (some of which are HUGE)!  Cliff and I had green beans and little potatoes cooked with smoked sausage for our supper.  I didn't ride yesterday, but my daughter, Rachel, gave Blue (and herself) a good workout.  After digging potatoes and pulling weeds in the garden, I was pooped!   


  1. The pics are priceless.  I wanna move to a farm when I grow up.


  2. Me too Joanna lets all move near MO when we grow up. Better yet ,lets never grow up and move there anyway.................. DOVEY

  3. Cutie pies all 3 of them!!!
