Friday, July 9, 2004

another birthday gift

I received, via UPS, the Nathan's Hot Dogs my friend Joanna ordered for me from QVC, and they were still frozen!  I think I'm going to buy a George Foreman grill before I try them though.  Joanna cooked hers on a Nathan's grill, which is similar to the Foreman.

It's so good to have arrived at the weekend.  I really NEED to ride Blue, both for his sake and mine.  My back is killing me, and when I'm riding regularly it never hurts.  And he'll get out of shape if I don't take him out for some exercise soon.

I thought it strange that the cow whose calf recently died got over her grief so quickly; she bellowed for about 24 hours, and that was all we heard of her mourning.  Cliff figured out why, a couple of days ago:  April, our oldest calf, is nursing two cows... her own mom, and the cow with no calf.  This really turns out well, because April will grow faster with all that milk, and the foster-mom is happy.  It's funny how things work out.

My tomatoes are starting to ripen, but sadly, they're rotting before they ripen.  I guess it's the excessive moisture we've had.  I'm sure I'll eventually get some tomatoes, but it's discouraging to see them get so huge, start to turn, and then spoil.  This isn't blossom-end rot, it's just rot, on the side nearest the ground.


  1. I hate that about the tomatoes. That has been happening to mine too. I am sorry about your back. My back used to hurt 24/7. I take Bextra now regularly and I am finally getting some strenghth back in my back. No pain unless I really overdo it!

  2. So glad they finally got there.  I think I'll pick some up at the Giant tomorrow and have a little treat too.  Again, Happy Birthday Mosie.  :o)

  3. Just discovered your journal in the journal directory and the country part caught my eye. I too live in the country, actually a small town in texas but my companion has cattle in the country so we go there most every day. In the process of hauling hay right now. I was born in this county and raised in the country and small towns. I love it ! Paula
