Sunday, July 4, 2004

pictures at Wal Mart

I got Jim's family to Wal Mart for some family photos.  Jim and Deb both have sunburns from being at the race yesterday, but they turned out pretty good.  We got all kinds of poses and groupings.  The two here are Jim and his three children, and Jim and his mother (me). 


  1. Mosie, the pictures are great.  All good looking kids, yours and his....and I like the one of you and Jim.  You are a very lucky girl.  :o)

  2. What great pics, Mo.  Boy, the kids sure are getting big.  I love that pic of you and Jim.  Apple didn't fall far from tree, huh?  lol  Cya round.

  3. Very nice. LOL You could never say Jim is not yours!
