Friday, July 23, 2004

family ties and tractor shows

That's my husband on the tractor he's used as a workhourse for over twenty years.  Our house is in the background, and his shop (his haven).

I must tell my readers:  the comment my daughter left about yesterday's entry touched me deeply.  Although there were times I questioned my sanity when my kids were teens, it's sure nice to have them in my world now, as adults.  I'm proud of both of them, and I'm glad for the unique persons they turned out to be.  And I thank God for the children they both have brought into this world to touch my life, giving me somone to attend punk rock concerts with, and state fairs.  In other words, I have someone to be a kid with.  Amber brightens my world every weekend, just being here, keeping my other computer warm.  I'm watching Brett change and grow into a fine young man.  Lyndsay, my little Georgia peach, makes me smile incessantly when she visits.  Monica and Natalie are so funny and wise (and sometimes, smart-aleckie).  And Arick reminds me that having teens in your family will keep you praying a lot! 

Cliff and I have made quite a hobby of going to tractor shows, some at quite a distance, and some near home.  But this year we have not attended a single one.  It looks like that will change Saturday.  Cliff had originally planned to help his  brother add onto a shed this weekend, but plans have changed, freeing us up to head to the yearly show at Adrian, Missouri.  We might even run into my nearest Internet friend, BooDotte, and her husband.

We plan to attend a big tractor show on Labor Day weekend:  either the one at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; or else the one at Rollag, Minnesota.  I tend to favor Mt. Pleasant, but either one will suffice.  They are so much more than just tractor shows:  there are people making sorghum, and others elsewhere making lye soap... all sorts of old-timey crafts.  There are flea markets and antique dealers.  The show in Iowa even has country music concerts.  The campgrounds are extremely crowded, and the lines at the showers are long:  but a general feeling of commaraderie makes up for all of that.  Everybody there is your neighbor.  It's an older crowd, which means they are well-behaved and congenial.  Wow, I can't wait!   


  1. Dear Mo, I am just so enjoying your journals. They make me feel as if I am sitting right there in your front yard. Thank you for showing this city girl what its like to be in the country. It sounds like a wonderful life...... Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love those tractors. I always enjoy riding on the fender of the big John Deere. Paula

  3. Sounds like fun!
