Sunday, July 11, 2004

nice Sunday

It's hard to get a good picture of Blue; he's so dark that any shadow makes him a brown blob.  But I keep trying. 

Cliff went with me to early Church and we were home by 9 AM.  We took some pictures of a couple tractors he's going to try and sell.  I have some HUGE tomatoes starting to turn, but I'm scared to death they'll rot first.  Here's hoping!

We had Nathan's hot dogs for supper last night; Cliff agreed that they are much better than ordinary hot dogs.  I cooked them on my new George Foreman grill.


  1. Oh very nice picture. John hasn't had a horse for years. He will hire two men to work cattle tomorrow on horses. My daughter and grand daughters have horses and one of my grand daughters is in competition with horse jumping and she does real well. Paula

  2. He is beautiful!
