Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I'll confess to being grumpy this evening; cold temperatures are affecting my mood.  Horseback rides don't sound so inviting, and motorcycle rides are out of the question.

However, I'm thankful for TVLand, which shows lots of the old shows from my younger days:  "I Love Lucy", "Andy Griffith", "Leave it to Beaver", and others.  I'd recommend these for anyone in my age group who's in a funk due to the weather.


  1. I love Andy Griffith & Leave it to Beaver.  Not so much Lucy.
    Brrrr it's going to be in the 20's here tonight.

  2. I like all those shows. Gonna be cold here in the south tonight. Low of 27º. Been in the 50's all day. It's going to be cold tomorrow and tomorrow night too. Helen

  3. This is our nightly routine....Dinner (I call it supper)...watch what is left of the news....watch whatever Andy Griffin episodes are on (usually 2 but sometimes 4).  Then off to bed.  We usually take turns saying the next lines or at least the punch lines or some of Barney's wisdoms! LOL  Just wonder how rich Andy is from the residuals?

  4. I'm sorry you're feeling grumpy.  Something about fall does that!  I cheered myself up looking at the leaves today.

  5. I hope the grumpies are all gone now.  I love TV Land, and all those old shows.

  6. We saw snow flakes here today and also some ice balls (hail?) Cold and windy too!
    I'll just have to put another layer on.  I do dislike being house bound all winter.  Makes me want to sleep too much.  But I'm never bored as I have lots of inside things to do.  'On ya' - ma

  7. No TV here. Nothing like a good book in front of the fireplace for me :-). Hope you are feeling better - I hate the cold also.


  8. Your age group?  To heck with that!  I love Andy!  What an awesome show!  Of course, I'm talking about the black and white series, not the later ones, which were crappy and included Howard Sprague.  ICK  Those just sucked.

  9. I love those shows! My son loves those shows, too! They are timeless.

  10. I love all those shows too!!!  TV Land is a channel we get here too and I love to watch it when I can steal the time.  Hugs,

  11. Kids and I watched Nat Geo last night and watched how a meteor can wipe out the world!  Linda

  12. I can handle the chilly weather....better than I can handle it getting dark at 5pm. I hate that!

  13. Yep, with it getting dark so early now I was caught watching more television than usual last night. I watched the special on bees on PBS...very interesting and kind of scary too to think that bees have already disappeared in another place in the world and the humans have to pollinate the pear trees themselves. I love to watch those old shows...very light hearted and uplifting to watch on cold dark nights.

  14. Oh, I can always get into episodes like those, from the "old" days!  Nothing like them to calm the restless spirit, when you are stuck inside for any reason!

