Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My hard-working grandson

I have mentioned here in my blog about how my grandson's employer put the squeeze on him, working him as little as twenty hours per week, trying to force him to go "on salary" so he wouldn't have to be paid overtime no matter how many hours he worked.   They also gave him horrible hours, asking him to get to work at 4:30 AM, and sometimes sending him home after five or six hours the same day.

Well, with a little help from his mom and a friend, he got hired at a distribution center where I used to work, as a seasonal employee.  The seasonals were all let go yesterday, but it looks like the grandson is going to stay on permanently.  So now, what used to be his main job is only his "second" job, and they have absolutely no hold on him.  In fact, he's glad to work less than 40 hours a week, because he has that other job to go to.   The early hours are working in his favor, and he's in control of the situation now.  He's pretty darned happy about the whole situation, and so am I!

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  1. Good for your grandson. Helen

  2. So glad he is getting to stay on permanently at the new job!!!  This is all great news!!!  Hugs,

  3. It's great that he gets to stay on permanently.
    Glad things are working out for him.

  4. thats great news glad he is such a hard worker ..and dont give you and cliff any problems good young man you and thanks for adding my new friend to your list of readers she is loving them and had never read any before ..i knew she would just loves yours as i sure do have a good night,hear from you tommorrow

  5. I am so happy for him!!!!  Now he gets the last laugh.


  6. As, long as he can stay at the print and apply, he will do fine.  

  7. Way to go Arick!  WoooHooo!

  8. Maybe this is the beginning of "being on top" for a change.  Congratulations Grandson!

  9. Good!  It's nice when something works out well for a good, hard worker.  I'm so glad for him!
