Friday, November 30, 2007

poor Sadie

Cliff and I take a half-hour walk every morning.  That walk is the highlight of our dog, Sadie's, life.  She's as hyper as they come, and the only chance she has to run fast and feel free is during our walk.  Back in the pasture we're able to release her so she can chase squirrels and find sticks for us to throw for her.  She lives for that walk.

For the past week, I haven't been able to walk with them because of the knee pain.  And every day, it's been a little bit harder for Cliff to convince Sadie to go along.  This morning I had to snap the leash to her collar for him, because she wouldn't allow Cliff to do it.  Then when I handed him the leash, Sadie actually balked, going out the door.

He's been turning her loose and letting her play fetch, just like I always do.  But evidently Sadie doesn't feel right without me along.  As much as she loves the morning walk, she doesn't like leaving me behind.  He tells me that, once she's turned loose, she does fine.  It's just getting her outside that's a problem.

Who knows what's going on in her little doggie mind.

Now playing: Johnny Cash - Help Me
via FoxyTunes   

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  1. Now we know that Sadie is your dog for sure...she doesn't want to leave you and knows that something is not right.  I know you are looking forward to those walks again !  Take care.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. Now we know that Sadie is your dog for sure...she doesn't want to leave you and knows that something is not right.  I know you are looking forward to those walks again !  Take care.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. How sweet of Sadie to not want to leave you when she "senses" something is wrong. But yes, good to get her used to going with just Cliff too, for times when you might be sick & can't go.
    Know you'll be happy when you can go with them again, with little or no pain!

  4. She's worried about you and why you aren't going, of course!  It is sweet that she loves you enough to give Cliff a difficult time.  LOL

  5. Our (my) dog Penny does the same thing to Bill....LOL. She loves to go in the car. So if he has a quick errand on the week ends etc., he tries to get her to go. We (I) get the leash out....she gets sooooo excited ! Once the leash is on, if I hold it and start toward the door, she's READY to go ! But as soon as I turn the leash over to Bill and I stand back......she puts on the brakes and balks ! LOL Go figure !

  6. Poor Sadie, she knows something is not right and doesn't want to leave you. Such loyalty that a dog can give. Helen

  7. That's rather sweet, isn't it?

  8. Awwww!!  Just goes to show how much Sadie loves you!!!  Hugs,

  9. I think you need a mini john dere to drive around with Sadie.  Wouldn't that be cute?  :)  Dogs are funny that way you know...she probably sees you as the leader of the pack and doesn't like someone else calling the shots.

  10. She knows something isnt right...she misses you on those walks. I know you wish you could explain things to her, that things will be better soon after the surgery and recovery.

  11. Poor thing....she knows something just isn't right with you.  Just think how happy she will be when you are able to go with them.

  12. You gotta get a little golf cart for you and Sadie to putter around in.  Hee hee...


  13. Aww! Now that is doggie devotion.

  14. Pets HATE change in the routine.  I'm getting to be the same way.


  15. Sounds like she is a bit worried about you!

  16. She knows you belong on that walk!

