Sunday, November 18, 2007

A conversation

So Cliff, the grandson, and I were sitting around after lunch today.  Cliff and I were playfully mouthing off at one another as we are wont to do.  When I made some wise crack to Cliff,  he turned to the Grandson and said, "When she dies, that dog and the computers are the first things to go."

The grandson, without missing a beat, said, "I'll take the laptop."

I feel so abused!

Tonight I'm thankful for all the little "inside jokes" that every family has.  The ones nobody else would understand, but that keep us all chuckling at the same old stale stories all our lives, right up to the time we're on our deathbeds.



  1. That's hilarious!!!!!!

    I think all families do this.


  2. You are so blessed to have them there with you to share those jokes.  I'm often joking and with the dog or the cat, it is not the same for sure.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. Your family is so blessed to have such rapport.  You & Cliff set such a good example about staying upbeat, even thru the good & the bad times.  A sense of humor shore helps!

  4. Me too.  We have one about moustaches!  LOL

  5. Heh! Yeah...we like to tease my mom. She has NO sense of humor. That's what makes it so fun. ;-)  When she buys some nice new antique, I like to say "Ooo that's nice. Put that in your will with my name on it."  Drives her crazy. ;-)

  6. So the grandson will get the laptop and Cliff will probably keep your desktop and probably start a journal himself and maybe he will rethink and let Sadie hang around to go on his walks with him to fetch those sticks for him LOL. You and Cliff are very blessed in your marriage, you both have a lot to be thankful for. I hope you have a safe trip going into GA for thanksgiving and enjoy being with your son and his family. Helen

  7. I'll take sadie.
    hope to see you soon.

  8. My my what 'tender' heartwarming sentiments !!  ROFL !! What a HOOT. You two kids hang around and just have FUN !!  

  9. Those little jokes are the best!

  10. He he..yeah, Shelby, Ian and I poke fun at each other too...its a good thing isnt it.

  11. We have so many little "family jokes" too, and they are definitely something to be thankful for!

  12. That was quick thinking! Poor dog :-(

