Friday, October 27, 2006

It's all about perspective... and I learned it on Sesame Street

Some thirty-five years ago, my daughter loved Sesame Street.  That show was a guilt-free way to keep my toddler entertained, and I enjoyed it, too... which was a bonus.  Big Bird, Bert and Ernie (before anyone cared what their life-styles were), Cookie Monster (before he was forced to turn to veggies and fruits): 

What characters they were, and I loved them all.

My favorite memory from Sesame Street is a song.  The more years that go by, the more I realize this song holds one of the secrets of happiness. 

                          "THAT'S ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT"

Oh everything comes in its own special size
I guess it can be measured by where you put your eyes
It looks big when you're close
And it looks smaller back a bit
That's about the size of it.

Oh the big becomes the little
When you see it back a bit
The huge becomes the dinky
Which is just the opposite
Of the larger that gets smaller
It never seems to fit
That's about the size of it.

That's about the size
It's where you put your eyes
That's about the size of it

Because, you know, the problems that seem so enormous today shrink with the passage of time, and diminish, until eventually you wonder why you were so concerned about them back then.

That's about the size of it.


  1. Yes and If I would only remember that when I begin to worry about something. I'm getting better but still........

  2. I love the song...Sesame Street was the greatest !  I'm watching Charlie Browns Great Pumpkin right now.  Good Oldie too !  'On Ya'-ma

  3. I loved Sesame Street when my son was little.  We liked Big Bird!  That bird rocked!!  Before my son could talk he called him "B" and he'd point.  It was cute. He'd get all excited when he'd see "B" on the TV!  
    Thanks for bringing back that memory.

  4. Sesame Street ROCKS!

  5. I saw the very first episode of SS when it deputed way back in 1969....or at least that's what I'm told.  I just remember always loving Oscar the Grouch the best.  I'm guessing that doesn't surprise you in the least!  ;)


  6. You brought back memories of when my daughter used to watch that show. Also Captain Kangaroo. I didn't realize she knew it but one day I walked through where was watching it and she had her little hand over her heart saying The pledge of Allegiance word for word right along with them. She was barely old enough to talk good. Sweet memories. I feel a tear here. LOL. Helen

  7.   REMINDS ME OF A THOUGHT THAT OCCURED TO ME IN MIDDLE AGE:  The dreadful winters in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ... When I lived with my Grama at age 3-4,  I would just get so discouraged being bogged down in snow ... couldn't get anywhere in the yard.  Then, it dawned upon me that even tho the U.P. does get a lot of snow ... a big part of my problem was that the snow seemed even worse because my little legs were so short!


  8.   REMINDS ME OF A THOUGHT THAT OCCURED TO ME IN MIDDLE AGE:  The dreadful winters in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ... When I lived with my Grama at age 3-4,  I would just get so discouraged being bogged down in snow ... couldn't get anywhere in the yard.  Then, it dawned upon me that even tho the U.P. does get a lot of snow ... a big part of my problem was that the snow seemed even worse because my little legs were so short!


  9. Yes, you've got it!  The knowledge of "perspective" will help us survive and to me survival is about happiness.   I was just thinking about Capt. Kangaroo and Mr. Greenjeans the other day.  The children today are somewhat deprived.  Of course this observation was made from a current perspective.  Maybe in time, I won't see it that way.

  10. That's about the size of it ... and 'your' song came along at just the right time in my life.
