Saturday, October 7, 2006

Did you see a sunrise this morning?

I had the most incredible stay at the cabin last night; while the granddaughters were still here, I got things together in the little red wagon so I could get there as soon as possible.  And by 6 PM, the girls had gone home and I was cabin-bound.

In spring, the woods is alive with bird-sounds.  In autumn, the only sounds you hear are crickets and treefrogs; oh, and early this morning I heard an owl.  Once it was daylight, numerous crows called to one another.  Of course, since the cabin is on a knoll just above the railroad track, there are always the frequent passing trains.  I love hearing the train whistle.

It's too dry for a campfire, but I threw caution to the wind and had one anyway.  As darkness enclosed me, the heat from the fire was welcome, and the flickering light from it was pleasant.

I love this place.  I wandered the woods with Sadie in the light of the moon around 9 last night (a new experience, by the way), and asked God, "What did I ever do to deserve this?"


  1. Your pictures are beautiful and it sounds just wonderful to stay at the cabin!

  2. Donna, those pictures were breathtaking!  Sometimes, when I view the pictures that you take, they literally take my breath way, and I get a lump in my throat.  I love the beauty of nature, and I would love to be able to get up in the morning and be able to see something like that.  I live in the suburbs, and early morning looks nothing like what you are blessed to see everyday.  

    Thank you for sharing these!  


  3. Beautiful!  You are truly blessed!

  4. I love your pictures. I was blessed to see the sunrise on the water this morning. I love hearing about you staying at your cabin. You have a great companion to join you. Helen

  5. Waht a wonderful night you had, and I am sure your granddaughters made iit even more special.


  6. You are so blessed !  Treasure those memories !!!  I didn't see the sun rise, I was up but at the computer with the curtains pulled shut.  It is sunny and blue skies here today and I am just loving the warmth of the sun.  It was very cool here last night !  'On Ya' - ma

  7. Beautiful sunrise! I too love to hear a train whistle. When I hear one I always wish I was on that train going somewhere. Sure enjoyed the one time I did go on a long train trip. Paula

  8. Wonderful !! One way to experience God is to spend time looking at and enjoying His creation. You are blessed indeed.

  9. Catching up with you and seeing all the photos that you share.  I love them all.  Have enjoyed hearing you talk about the cabin and the peace and contentment you get from it and the surrounding nature.  I too, thank God for the experience when I see beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  They are little gifts from was the Harvest Moon, shining so bright this morning before the sun was up.  You could truly see everything as if it were really the sun with sunshades on. LOL.  I read the harvest moon was a gift from God for farmers who needed to gather in their fields and needed the extra light for early starts and late nights.  
    Have a good rest of the weekend.

  10. OH MY..your living my dream...never had the cabin dream yet...mine is in the mountains....I need to pray on this...I really want to know that...I have fought hard, worked hard for dreams...they havent happened yet...but this isnt a pity party...I will always be a dreamer..with action behind is too say..I cant ask for what some will say is the impossible..

