Sunday, October 22, 2006

About my new filly

The people who wouldn't take my $150 bid on their filly Thursday called today and said they'd take it.  So I called my grandson, and he and I went to pick her up.

She really seems like a sweetie. 

I had to get the two horses that are boarded here away from her, since they seemed intent on killing her.  They'll all get along fine eventually, but I didn't want her to be scarred up her first day here.

I left her to spend the night with Blue, who wouldn't hurt a fly and loves babies.


  1. Well, Congratulations on being able to purchase her!  I'm sure she will be safe in the arms of her very own angel horse... Blue! :)


  2. good for you!!  I'm sure she'll feel safe with ol' Blue.  He's such an angel.  He's been such a good horse for you in so many ways.  This is just one  more way he's proving his love for you.

  3. WOW what a bargain!
    Good ideal putting her with Blue, he'll take care of her.
    Hugs, Sugar

  4. I started to tell you the other day to go back and see if they would take less....I had a feeling that she was gonna be YOUR baby!
    Love ya,

  5. WHAT'S HER NAME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I thought that might be the same one that maybe they had got in touch with you. Good idea putting her in with Blue. He is such a good horse. Have fun playing with her today. Helen

  7. Oh, she is a little beauty, and has such a sweet smart expression. Does she foxtrot?

    A lot of Baskir Curlies are also registered Foxtrotters. :-)

  8. She is a beautiful baby! WOW so cheap! Even unregistered horses around here go for at least 250. Shoot you can get a broke horses for 400 at the auction. Has she had any traaining yet? She must lead and load, you got her home. Has she had any ground work other than that? We had Brook on Belle at that age.

  9. That must be hard on new horses...territory has been laid...does it take a long time for them to get along?.......-Raven
