Saturday, June 17, 2006

Patrick's Saturday Six



What vegetable can you not get enough of? Baked sweet potatoes!

What vegetable that you've actually tried cooking do you hate, no matter what is done to it?   Hard as I try, I can't think of a single vegetable I hate.

2. Have you ever given your father one of those tacky flashing ties as a Father's Day gift? No  What's the "worst" gift you've ever given your dad?  My dad wasn't gift oriented, and I don't remember

3. When is the last time you donated clothes to a charity drive? We took a trunk-full of stuff to the "clothes closet" about two weeks ago.  If you had to guess, what percentage of the clothes in your closet right now no longer fit?  I just got rid of the stuff that doesn't fit, so I'd say 0%

4. Take the quiz:
Where should you spend your summer vacation? 

You Should Spend Your Summer in the Mountains
You're quiet, introspective, and a great thinker.
You need a summer vacation that gets you away from the crowds and the heat.
So retreat to the mountains, where you can clear your head.

5. If you could spend one week anywhere in the world or two weeks at home relaxing, which would you choose?  I relax at home a lot, so I'd choose London, England.  Or maybe Washington, DC.

6. Do you tend to be more of a morning person or a night owl? If you could, would you become the opposite?  Morning person all the way.  I wouldn't change it, but I DO wish I could sleep past 3 AM.

If you'd enjoy playing along, make your entry and then leave the link at Patrick's Saturday Six.


  1. I did that summer vacation quiz - it said I should spend my vacation in the mountains. I LIVE in the mountains so if you need me, I'll be outside. Vacationing.

  2. It says I should go to the beach...duh ya think???? Barbara
