Monday, June 5, 2006

An old country store

You'd never know it now, but thirty-one years ago, when we moved here, this was a little country store/gas station.  It's a mile down the road from us.  An old fellow owned it, and kept a few staple items in stock.  Seems like only yesterday. 

Wow, things like this make me feel old!


  1. I bet that was convenient when it was open for business!  Too bad it's shut down.

  2. Things around our town have changed a lot in 30 years and more too !  I am beginning to feel like the older generation.  That tree over the store sure looks like it's bending right over the roof...I bet it was a young sapling at the time the store was in operation.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. I see and hear things that make me feel old too!  It's amazing how time changes everything, doesn't it?

    I was just wondering, Donna..  Are you still sending out your daily poems?  I haven't received one in what seems like ages!


  4. I think it's nice to have a little bit of history still hanging around.  I do know what it feels like to have that history make us feel older.  My home town, some 50 miles from here has changed so much a barely recognize it.  Blessings, Penny

  5. I wish those little country stores were still around.

  6.'re not old!  It is surprising how fast a place will run down when no one is using it.  These woods used to be dotted with them.  We still have several family owned country stores nearby.  But they are all in newer buildings.  -  Barbara
