Wednesday, June 28, 2006

an hour at the cabin

Sadie knows the word "cabin", just like Mandy did, and was anxious to go when I mentioned it.  But it's 90 degrees, and so hot and still back there, we didn't stay long.  I don't throw the frisbee very straight, and lost one in the brush when it veered off to the left.  I'll probably find it next winter when the leaves are off the trees.


  1. Too cute!  Gabby and I giggled over Sadie's tongue on the wood boards!!!  What a great friend you have in that dog!

  2. Sadie is such a cutie! Isn't it amazing how much they can learn & how fast? I have to spell so many words around mine or they know what I'm talking they've even learned some of the spelled I've taught them a little sign language. Dogs are sooo smart!
    Hugs to you & your girl.

  3. AOL is playing games today...takes forever to get into the journals...then if you comment it takes another five minutes for it to send....and I have Broadband....will check it out further if it keeps up the rest of the day.......and after making those threats LOL...will say I wish I could teach Max to run after the frisbee like that...would do him some good...he will run after his "pig" the house...but if you throw things outside he will go get them...then lays down with his back to you as if to say...I ain't runnin no mre....LOLOL...that Sadie is a real are blessed....Hugs...Ora

  4. WOW - that girl just don't give up.  She's adorable.

  5. Sadie did great. No wonder her tongue is hanging out in that hot weather. She has made you a great dog. Helen

  6. She knows the word cabin because she loves you and anything you love so will she. She is your dog all the way.

  7. I love the picture of the 'jump' in the air !  She looks like she' s flying !  What a great day !  'On Ya' - ma

  8. What a great photo of Sadie catching the frisbee!  She really gets airborne...  Linda

  9. what a great picture of Sadie getting that frisbee. Sadie looked awfully hot when she got to the cabin.

  10. looks like she loves to play

  11. hope you brought some water
    to the cabin
    for the both of you :)

  12. I love this picture.  Good job!  I've missed you.  My bloglines has let me down recently, as the journals are not "highlighted" when new entries are left.  I usually visit on the highlighted.  I resubscribed to your journal via bloglines by a different RSS method so hopefully it won't fool me again.
    Hope all is going well there and Cliff feeling good.
    I'm trying to catch up.
