Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Texas, we're on our way

Last year at this time, thanks to the Christmas overtime money I earned the previous month, I bought plane tickets for my daughter and myself, and we flew to visit my sister in her winter home in Mission, Texas.  The day we spent at South Padre Island, we kept wishing Kevin and the kids were with us.  We just knew the girls would have a blast with all that sand, the seagulls, and the waves of the gulf rolling in.  That's me, my daughter and my sister on the bridge over the Rio Grande.

Well, Rachel, her three kids, and I are going down there in less than two weeks.  This time Rachel will drive us.  We'll stay at a motel in Fort Worth on the way down, and then again on the way home.  The motel has an indoor swimming pool, so the kids will even enjoy the motel stay.  I really, really wanted my son-in-law, Kevin, to go; but he's changed jobs and just can't get a week off.

We'll actually only have three nights and two days in Mission.  One day for Mexico, and the other for Padre Island.  Rachel has a laptop, and the motel has Internet access.  So we might be making journal entries during our stay.  Cliff will hold down the fort here, feeding horses and babysitting Mandy.  I love a road trip!


  1. Oh, I am really looking forward to going on your trip with you.....via your journal.  I really am excited for you.  THat trip would excite me.  We went to San Antonio last year and had a blast.  Be careful...I know you have some time before you go, but thought I'd say that anyway.  Sure Cliff won't make a journal entry too while you are gone?  Ya'll could keep each other informed of the days events via your journal, and we'd know what was going on too....LOL!  He would probably laugh if you told him that and you probably just laughed too.

  2. That's going to be so much fun! I hope the weather is beautiful and ya'll have the best of times! You have a very pretty daughter and I know you two will enjoy having the kids with you!

  3. Whooooo Hoooo!! Road Trip!!! <LOL> Have Fun!!

  4. Oh Mo, Love the picture and if anybody deserves a good road trip, you do...have fun, come home with lots of pictures and tell us all about it.  Anne

  5. Mosie, I'm so happy you are getting to go to Texas again this year.  And I know the kids will have a great time.  Hopefully, this is a sign of more trips to come in 2005  :o)

    Have fun and be safe.



  6. Lovely photograph. I very much enjoyed seeing it. I know your trip will be wonderful and we expect more photos and all about what you get up to.

  7. Yippee I A, or something. Have a ball in Texas, it's big enough for everyone. rich

  8. We have always gone to Padre Island but the last two summers we went to South Padre Island and I think there is all the difference in the world. We don't live but a few hours from there. Have fun, Paula
