Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Look outside my back door!

I don't know where he's been, but he's out there now (after receiving a "cookie") waiting for us to turn Mandy loose.


  1. Awww how cute I see Buddy is at least part English setter can't tell from the pic if he is full blood.

  2. Oh, so glad he is back and what a beautiful dog!!!

  3. BUDDY!!!!  You bad boy.  You had me worried.  If I were there I'd hug you.

    Aunty Bnana

  4. So glad he is back. Part Dalmation?

  5. COOKIES for all......and I'm buying!    Glad Mandy's friend is back.   Anne

  6. I was really glad to see you last entry. Glad Mandy's friend showed back up. You even had me worring about him and also saying a prayer for him. I love reading your journal although I haven't commented in it before. I look forward to reading it & looking at the pictures you post.
    I am from ALabama and was also raised on a farm. That hog killing and milking a Jersey cow is very familiar to me. Keep up the good work on your journal. Helen
