Sunday, February 6, 2005

about my ride

OK, I'll tell you about my day with Prince, my daughter's horse.  He's not really great about letting me pick his feet up, and this could cause problems when the farrier comes.  So while everyone was watching the pre-game stuff, I went out and got Prince (formerly known as Brat) and did nothing but groom his wet body (it's rained all day here) and pick up his feet, one after the other.  After a half-hour or more of this, he was doing pretty well.

I came in for a while, snacked a bit, and read a couple of chapters of one of Mark Rashid's books.  Inspired by this, I figured I'd go mess with Prince's feet a little more.  He responded much better than he had earlier.  I tossed his saddle pad on him, just for practice.  I took it off and picked up his feet again, one by one.  Then I tossed the saddle pad on again, and figured it wouldn't hurt to just put the saddle on, while I was at it.

Well, as long as I'd done that much, why not cinch up the saddle and put his bridle on?  Of course, the next logical step was to see if he'd let me mount.

I won't say he was completely willing, but I made it.  He's a chronic head-tosser, and will almost hit a rider in the head as he tosses his head back.  But that wasn't such a big problem.  I rode him around our house a couple of times, and I guess someone in there saw me out the window.  Rachel, my daughter, stepped out the back door, and Prince (formerly known as Brat.... LOL) decided to rear a bit.  Just as Rachel was saying, "He doesn't rear too high, at least..." that horse stood straight up rearing so big, she thought he was going to topple over with me aboard! 

I figured since I'd survived that, I might as well see if he'd tire out, and I rode him up and down our road countless times.  He did a lot of head-tossing, and acted pretty spooky.  But after about an hour, he was doing pretty good.  I had a wonderful feeling of accomplishment by the time I put him up.

I feel like a real cowgirl!  (I kept whispering to Prince, "Remember, I'm an old woman.")

Cliff said he was probably thinking, "OK, who let the OATS bus off here?"



  2. Oh Mosie, You need to be out here in the wild west with me.....there's more than horses to be tamed.  LOL   Anne

  3. That's the thing about Arabs... if you just act like you expect them to do it right, and do things quietly, they usually do well... if you expect trouble..well, they are willing to supply that too <LOL> I always say that you get what you expect from them... For the head tossing, try a standing tie-down for a few days. Don't make it too short, just short enough he can't bop YOU in the nose. If he has a noseband on his bridle, connect to that, if he doesn't, leave his halter on under his bridle and connect to that... <shrug> Sometimes this works as you don't have to do anything. If he tosses his head he hits the end of the standing tie-down on his own... essentially he teaches himself the range of motion he is allowed...

  4. Maybe Prince (like that name much better than Brat) needs a different bit or maybe a chest band? Do you know what he was ridden with before? If not ask. I know that changing a bit can do wonders.

  5. I like Cliff's comment.LOL Guess we can just start calling you "Annie Oakley" or something real "cow girly" Glad you survived. rich

  6. Actually sounds like a good time. try the tiedown. I have to use one on Crystal if I ride her otherwise she will bop me.Only me no one else( I think she is jealous)
