Wednesday, February 9, 2005


Cliff wants to butcher these girls tomorrow and cut them up this weekend; I'm trying to get him to hold off so I'll be here to help wrap meat.  I leave for Texas Saturday.  See the corn they're eating?  It came from the place where the cornfield fire was.  The neighbor boys helped pick it up one Saturday.  Thanks to that, our pork will be really cheap if we get it in the freezer with no problem.

There's Mandy, looking out from her snug hay-bale home next to the horse's stall.  I was feeding Prince his grain and filling up the horse's water tank, and two dogs stayed very near.  Any time you see Mandy, Buddy, the neighbor's dog, is not far away:

I do believe Prince (formerly known as Brat) is filling out somewhat.  His ribs aren't quite as evident now.  I didn't take time to handle him tonight, like I usually do after I feed him.  I'm extra tired this evening.


  1. Oh, man!  Don't you get attached to the pigs???  Hard to eat them.

  2. Mandy looks like she has a nice little place to go to!!! I feel sorry for the pigs! I use to hate hog butchering time when I was llittle!

  3. i think you are right! Keep riding and turn it into muscle!

  4. MOTHER!  He's so DIRTY!  Don't show his pic like this!  You know how you feel when someone takes a picture of YOU eating!  Poor little Bra....errrr, I mean, Prince.

  5. Boy! Do those girls look ready? I remember when my mama and daddy butchered a hog and mama even made the soap. Paula

  6. I love the pic of Mandy in her cozy little space!  My dad always insulates his dog's house with straw which she mostly drags out to make room for all the cats that like to gather round her and form a living blanket!
