Friday, August 8, 2008

We're rockin' around here

Our old Ford pickup gets about twelve miles per gallon, so it's a rare occasion when we use it.  We decided not to buy expensive landscape rock to put around our trailer.  We went across the river where they sell river sand and bought the simple rocks they sell, instead.  They aren't as colorful, but hey... it'll do, at only $30 a ton. 

Speaking of our pickup, the next license we buy for her will be the last.  She'll officially be a classic, and as long as we don't drive her too many miles, we won't have to renew the license.  (Who could afford to drive her far?)

Here's what we're doing with the rocks; before long there will be edging and shrubs.

The carpenter came today and drilled holes for our back porch and deck.  Monday he'll start the actual construction.

Evidently our monsoon season is over; I'm now watering the Norway Spruce trees daily.  The Lombardy Poplars are pretty much like weeds, so I don't worry about watering them.

Notice Sadie running around loose?  She's getting better at staying with me, and coming when I call.  Oh, she occasionally runs away and worries me, but those times are getting fewer and farther between.


  1. Glad you got all this taken care of.   I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see it.  Thanks for sharing pics.  
    Cliff is really in shape.  You all must be eatin' all the right stuff.  He looks so skinny.  Well no not skinny but thinner - yeah that is it.  lol
    Good job ya'll!  I'm not doing to good at losing anything.  We love to eat.  

  2. That stone does make a difference and those little trees will look nice when they grow up some.  That will make all the watering seem worthwhile.  We are watering here in northern Ohio too.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product, & I'm sure you are too.  Very creative there Cliff.


  4. Your place is coming along nicely..I can't wait til you get finished with your landscaping, it will look so good.

  5.   MO your home looks so peaceful, I love to follow the progress of the porch and yard.   So happy for you , and years of  loving it ahead.
    Keep the photos coming, and I will keep enjoying.   PINK IN Minnesota

     Tell us  about the windows.   Living room next to the porch? bath room? longer widows to left bed rooms?

  6. Your home looks so nice, I can tell that you and Cliff really are enjoying it.  Vicki

  7. Rocks...what a good idea.  We should do that. We had a bad bad experience with cedar mulch (the bag was infested with carpenter ants and they spread to the house).

  8. It's just looking nicer every day :-)


  9. We have one of those poplars out front, and it sprouts new little trees from its roots way out from the tree itself. You are right, they are like weeds, but they are pretty. Y'all sure have been busy getting sand and rocks and watering stuff...everything is coming together so nicely. Kelly
