Tuesday, August 19, 2008

small world

I just realized that on the day I'm in court in Antigo, Wisconsin, with my sister-in-law, I'll be sixteen miles from one of my readers.  Seems a shame not to meet her.

About the hot tub:  I've always loved them, and when we stay in a motel that has one, that's where I hang out, unless there are kids playing in it.  One of the high spots of a vacation to Colorado was sitting on the roof of a condo in a hot tub, watching the sun come up over a mountain.

However, I would never have splurged for such a luxury.  It's just plain stupid.

I'm wondering if we'll have trouble adjusting the chemicals.  I know the cost of upkeep for them is high... for instance, if something must be repaired after the warranty is through, it isn't going to be cheap.

An unexpected problem is this:  You shouldn't use soft water in them because it damages certain parts in the tub; but water as hard as ours can be damaging also.  What we're going to try is using half and half.

As I was saying, I was not going to get a hot tub.  But Cliff wanted me to have it; he reminded me of all the toys and unnecessary things I've insisted he buy because I knew he'd be so happy to have them.

Cliff wanted me to have a hot tub.  He wanted to see me enjoying something that I never thought, in my wildest imaginings, that I'd have.

He insisted.

What's a woman to do?



  1. A woman is to go ahead and get that darn hot tub.. and enjoy the heck out of it!!  Just to please Cliff, of course.. hee


  2. You enjoy that hot tub, it's good for your joints!  I would love a hot tub and some day way down the road I hope we have one.

    Will you have to worry about water weight when you fill it since it is on the deck?

  3. Yes, you should make plans to meet that reader. That is getting pretty close to miss the chance. Bless Cliff's heart for wanting you to have the hot tub. He is a good person then so are you. Helen

  4. Aww.....now you have made me jealous.  I never thought of watching the sun come up in a hot tub.  Sounds like a grand idea.

  5. That Cliff is a sweetheart!  Just sit back & enjoy!!!


  6. He's a good, good man!  Of course he wants you to have something that you'd never think to buy for yourself.  I think you should keep him!  

  7. Go for it!  And give Cliff a big hug and a kiss!  

  8. I would say... Enjoy it!

  9. Get you degree in science. You'll have to know when to PH up and PH down. Can you believe that Doc got a terrible infection in his own hot tub.  I say screw it and just put clorox in it. It will kill everything.  Just go in naked.  Also remember to shower afterward or you'll dry up.   Enjoy!   Anne

  10. I think Cliff wants that hot tub too!  LOL~ u will love it.

  11. Oh by all means GET IT, and LOVE IT.  I had one when I lived in California, and I used it almost every night (only time I didn't was when I was pregnant)  It was a great thing!  Enjoy!  Sue

  12. I never had a problem keeping the water in balance in the hot tub.  They have everything so easy now. My first hot tub had some kind of ionizer that made the water smell like rain water and I loved it.  

  13. I say you ENJOY it.  
    And maybe Cliff wanted it too.  lol

  14. Wow you two have been busy since I stopped by. Your new home is really coming together. I'm so happy for you and Cliff. Paula
