Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A night at the cabin, 2008

I went to the cabin yesterday as soon as Cliff left for work at 2:30, figuring to spend a couple of hours there.  I took a good book along.

The temperature was perfect, there was a gentle breeze... and I realized I didn't want to go back to the house.  However, I hadn't taken anything along to eat.  So Sadie and I came to the house, brought in the mail, got five hot dogs out of the freezer, and returned to the cabin.

I'd relax in my lounge chair reading for awhile, then I'd go look for mushrooms.  Sometimes I sat in silence, enjoying the chirping of the birds.  Other times I listened to my cabin music:  Iris Dement, Red Crow Westerman, and other folk singers.

When I turned in around ten o'clock, I went to sleep to the music of barred owls hooting "who-cooks-for-you" in the distance, with Sadie snuggled beside me as close as she could possibly get.  (If you click on that link, you can actually listen to the sound of a barred owl.)

I believe I'll keep my cabin.

Oh, and in spite of a certain trespasser I sighted yesterday, I found these:

Just the right amount to dice and cook with some scrambled eggs, which has become our favorite way to eat morels. 

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  1. I have never seen a place so close to God.  It's good to see the cabin again and the fire was so beautiful.  I am so happy for you and I still remember when Cliff moved the cabin to that spot.  You are very blessed.

  2. By the way, I was suprised at the owl sound.  It wasn't at all what I expected.

  3. O my that is so funny that you took his picture!  LOL I bet he was wondering what your going to use that fer!  I love your little cabin...so cozy.  

  4. I'm so glad you got out to the cabin.  I now have my place in the woods-- my camper trailer and I do get enjoy the campfires and roasted hot dogs there too.
    There is something so dear to me about being out close to nature and simple ways of living.  Although this is the most luxurious camping I've done, it is just beautiful there.  Your Sadie is a delight.  'On Ya' - ma

  5. The cabin respite sounds so nice!  Loved the pictures.  Let me tell you, I had them running to my office to hear the owl calls.  LOL.  'What's that!!??!!'  

  6. Love the pictures, especially the ones of the fire and the horses!

  7. Ty for sharing these pictures.  It looks so peaceful at your camp.  I could stay there for a month.

  8. Isnt it amazing, what people will do, even though they know good and well they shouldnt. Hopefully thats one less morel stealer that will be coming around. Maybe he will spread the word that you are out there watching. They sure do look good in that pan. :) Kelly

  9. Great pictures. I disn't much like the sounds of that owl either. No wonder Sadire snuggled close to you. You would think the old man wouldn't have come back after getting run off last year. Good for you finding enough muchrooms to make a meal. Helen

  10. Mmmm... those Morels look so good!  I don't believe I've ever eaten them, but I do love mushrooms!

    Yanno, Donna.. if you had ask us to "guess" what animal that sound belonged to, I would have never guessed owls.  I would have said, "Monkeys!"  lol  Those owls sound like some kind of primate!  Don't you think.. just a little??


  11. I love mushrooms, but never had Morels. I bet they are SOOO good!
    You are brave coming up on that man. I hope you DO carry a gun LOL! You never know....
    Enjoyed your pics. I'm glad you're keeping your cabin.

  12. yumm..what a nice spot to relax..

  13. Your too kind. I would have demanded they leave EVERYTHING. It is stealing when someone takes something off your land.

  14. Your cabin sounds so peaceful. Paula

  15. That was nice of you to let the old guy keep his find.  I'm glad you found some, too, though.  It sounds like you had a wonderful day and night at the cabin.

  16. I bet those mushrooms were great!

