Sunday, May 11, 2008


That's Cliff and his brother, talking to the guy who will bring our mobile home out here; they're outside visiting as I type this. 

That guy is a real individual, very independent.  OK, he's what I'd call a typical truck driver; so Cliff's brother, Don, is swapping trucker-tales with him.

He plans to try and bring our home out tomorrow.  Since we've been disappointed before, I'm not holding my breath... but I'm also remembering that I need to trust God's timing.

P.S.  Missouri is a big state.  There were no storms around us last night.  Thanks to everyone for your concern.


  1. I hope you get it tomorrow. I know you can't wait. It's going to be just in time for this summer with that air conditioning. Helen

  2. mosie im so happy to hear good news from you glad you didnt mention storm damage thank god for protecting you miss you so yah ..Sue

  3. I was really, really wondering all day about the storms in Missouri.  I have seen the damage on Fox News.  So glad that you are OK.               Marlene

  4. Glad all is well with you and hope that the move is made soon.  You are so right in saying God's time is not ours.  Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day.  'On Ya'  - ma

  5. Maybe tomorrow will be the day. Paula

  6. I did wonder about the storms, but then I thought, well, their new home isn't in place yet, so maybe it's just as well.  Glad for you that the storms were no where near you and praying this morning that 'Trucker" will deliver for you today.  

  7. Glad to hear the storms passed you by.  I was wondering.  I hope that the very next entry we see from you is one to tell us that your home has been delivered!

  8. Yes I thought of you when I heard of all the storms passing through y'alls way. We had tornadoes again here in Georgia...three in the area I used to live in. We have had some really unusual weather here. Glad yall are alright. Kelly

  9. Oh ya for you!  I'm off to see the next entries...I fell behind this week!  

  10. I am so far behind - you probably already live in your new home, have put it up for sale and bought another....I hope it all went perfectly :-)

