Saturday, May 31, 2008

I've been had

Ummm.... that post I did in BOTH my blogs about cell phones and the do-not-call list?

Snopes says it's false.  I had one comment and one email making me aware of this.  I guess it's a rumor that's circulated for some time in emails; I just wasn't familiar with it, and the source from which I got the information yesterday was one I trusted.

Anyhow, I deleted that post.

I haven't pushed Pandora Internet radio for awhile.  I'm sitting at my computer drinking coffee made from freshly-ground Starbucks coffee beans (bought at Sam's Club) listening to music on a station fashioned by my choices and my likes and dislikes.

You type in a song or artist you like and Pandora will start playing music that has a similar style or flavor.  If a song comes on you don't like, you can give it a thumbs-down.  If there's one you love, give it a thumbs-up.  After awhile, the station is everything you ever wanted or needed.

Ah, Iris Dement just came on, singing one of my favorite songs.

Happy Saturday to all.



  1. Well, thanks for clearing that up Donna.  I was going to go to snopes to check it out, but didn't bother.  I did search for the National Do Not Call List and added the numbers anyway ... just the way I did the house numbers ages ago and hadn't bothered with the others.

  2. Don't worry about it Donna. We heard on the local radio atation this week something that had been going around the internet which Ken had already checked out on Snopes to be false. He called the radio station and told them they were giving out false news to check it out on Snopes. hee hee. Helen

  3. I really like Pandora.  Glad you corrected that but what could it hurt to add the cell numbers anyway?

  4. Whew...I was reading your last post in email (what I could see) and was like NOO I didn't get the number to call!  LOL  

    Glad to hear it's a fake...I'm sure someone out there trying to get a rise out of all us cell users.  

  5. I'm shocked that you didn't check it out first.  I mean, I don't care, and it's a good link to put your home number on anyway, but you're pretty "on it" about snopes to check things out.  Better than ME anyway.  You're just too busy with the moving and such.


  6. My favorite site to check emails is Urban - you just type in a line from the email and it tells you the history of it and whether it's true or not. My family doesnt like it because they get thier emails back with another telling them is false.  

  7. Ha!  I called today and put my cell on the "Do Not Call List!"  LOL  Oh, well!  No harm done!  You meant well! :)


  8. Love my Pandora!!!!
    I have George Winston Radio for relaxing nights.....
